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主題標題: 「轉貼」追尋前世經歷 催眠破解今生苦
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    文章一覽:「轉貼」追尋前世經歷 催眠破解今生苦 (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    jennifer 發表於: 2005/09/10 02:34pm
    mms 發表於: 2005/09/10 10:19pm

    下面引用由rainbow2005/08/30 09:31pm 發表的內容:
    Nlut,    在上面陳述了我相信有 前世.
    但是一名心理醫生 (psychiatrist) 出版一本 "前世今生" 的書. 忽略了科學 核對 (scientific scrutiny).  This is the weakest point of his book.

    rainbow 發表於: 2005/09/10 10:11am
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/09/10 10:19am 第 4 次編輯]

    以下是來自路透社的 original 英文新聞版本.


    Angry women sue NY doctor for online dating lies

    Fri Sep 9, 4:11 PM ET


    A Manhattan fertility specialist has been sued by two women who say he broke their hearts after meeting them through an online dating site on which he pretended to be single.

    In their lawsuits the two women, Tiffany Wang and Jing Huang, accused Dr. Khaled Zeitoun, 46, of pretending to be single and using mind games to entice them into sexual relationships with tales of past lives.

    According to court papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court and made public this week, Zeitoun is married with three children. Wang said she met him in March 2001 through a Web site on which he said he was single and had never married.

    "Zeitoun claimed he and Wang had been married to each other in previous lives," Wang's lawsuit said, adding that the doctor told her he had mistreated her in that life and "searched for her in this lifetime to correct his past mistakes."

    Wang says that in May 2002, he asked her to marry him but only proposed "to see the look of joy on her face."

    In a separate suit filed earlier this year, Huang said she met the reproductive endocrinologist in October 2003 through an online dating service. He fed her a similar line about being single and having been married to her in a previous life.

    Huang eventually realized he was cheating on her and the relationship ended in July 2004.

    Both women are seeking unspecified money damages for infliction of severe emotional distress "outside the boundaries of human decency and social norms."

    In a written response to the court papers filed by Huang, Zeitoun admitted that he told her he was single and had relationships with other women he met on the Internet.

    rainbow 發表於: 2005/09/10 10:07am
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/09/10 10:23am 第 2 次編輯]

    <pre>一個最近的現實例子:   醫生編造 "假前世 / 今生" 新聞故事. 欺騙感情.

    應該小心, 防範 編子. 這個編子醫生是一名真的醫生, 在紐約市有門診辦公室. 他有道德問題.

    按一下此處, 這個是醫生目錄網站聯繫

    Khaled M. Zeitoun, MD
    Medical Specialty Reproductive Endocrinology
    Address 10 Union Square East, 2E
    New York NY 10003
    Telephone:(212) 844-8503

    Affiliated with: Beth Israel Medical Center

    9月 10日 星期六 18:00 更新



    這兩名女子分別姓王(Tiffany Wang)和黃(Jing Huang),她們指控現年46歲的扎伊通(Khaled Zeitoun)謊稱自己單身,並用關於前生的謊言誘騙她們與其發生了性關係。






    --翻譯 黃建松;審校 張敏惠
    rainbow 發表於: 2005/08/30 09:31pm
    Nlut,    在上面陳述了我相信有 前世.

    但是一名心理醫生 (psychiatrist) 出版一本 "前世今生" 的書. 忽略了科學 核對 (scientific scrutiny).  This is the weakest point of his book.  
    nlut 發表於: 2005/08/31 09:23am
    RAINBOW, 两年前当我与一位 朋友发生财务上的纠葛时, 我真的有梦到过前世的我, 我的母亲和那一个人. 那时他们救了我一条命. 不过在现世, 我都有在金钱上照顾他们. 无论如何, 心境平衡了很多.

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