thanks rainbow.... this remind me of something too
the part time maid once destroyed the whole swallows' home few year ago....and then it was quite rock and roll the following time.... luckily swallows do come back every summer and sleep at the balcony and i told my bf to let them stay....cos what they want is just a place to rest though they made poo poo mess on the balcony....
just 2 weeks ago bf found some bee making hive at the balcony door and luckily he destroyed it...otherwise....
thanks for telling this!!
發表於: 2008/12/26 01:52pm
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2008/12/26 01:52pm 第 1 次編輯]
燕子築巢 is a good sign. Do not destroy 燕子的巢.
But one of my relatives' house had a bee hive. She was diagnosed with cancer. Then her husband discovered the bee hive built on the exterior of their house, he destroyed the bee hive. Whether it was coincidence or note, she recovered from late-stage cancer.