下面引用由rainbow在 2005/05/29 10:08am 發表的內容: 文章的 critical point is : "在該次發布會中公布的新研究數據,並未涉及吃素的問題,教授們評論的主題是長者一般吃得太鹹太多味精,針對的是他們由於味覺退化的不智選擇。" 素菜館的麵粉製造素雞 ...
no no, i only added my opinions on the 2nd floor
the initial paragraphs on the 1st floor are the writer's stance
the fact is "在該次發布會中公布的新研究數據,並未涉及吃素的問題", but the news heading....
so what had the professional journalists done???
quote: don't accept professional opinions with independent thinking it should be, "don't accept professional opinions WITHOUT independent thinking"
發表於: 2005/05/29 10:08am
文章的 critical point is : "在該次發布會中公布的新研究數據,並未涉及吃素的問題,教授們評論的主題是長者一般吃得太鹹太多味精,針對的是他們由於味覺退化的不智選擇。"
素菜館的麵粉製造素雞、素鴨不算健康. 最好食蔬菜, 植物, 水果.
發表於: 2005/05/29 10:26am
don't accept professional opinions with independent thinking for profits professionists would threaten ppl by any means...
all reseaches need funding who give the money? so it's not difficult to understand what's that all about
still remember the reseach about vegetarian diet would lead to malnutrition profeesionists claimed that it's irresponsible for parents providing children vegetarian diet... well, that was funded by the meat industry... and they keep the children for the "vegetarian diet" sample group under nutrition