However, it sounds like that Doctor Chan was speaking in favour of the milk industry. He never denied that the evidence of Bantu ppl is true, and simply stated that milk is the best source for Calcium.
If Bantu ppl can get enough Calcium from meals mainly consist of vegetables, then it is unnecessary trying to get more from milk products.
It is really problematic to believe in mere professional claims. With statistics and researches, it may seem more reliable. Yet, abuses of them can be misleading...
Similar cases such as vaccination. Nowadays, ppl generally believe that vaccines can protect us from diseases. However, they are so many reported hazards because of vaccines.
It is disputable whether milk is a good source of Calcium. However, we should not neglect the cruel treatment to animals and abuse of chemicals like antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Milk is not only rich in nutrients but also pollutants.
「多喝牛奶可以預防骨質疏鬆症」,「多吃魚骨頭,小魚乾可以補充鈣質,可以預防骨質疏鬆症」,「每天喝三大杯牛奶,健康營養不缺了」,「×××高蛋白高鈣奶粉,病中的補品,平日的食品」……打開報章雜誌,電視廣播,眼所見,耳所聞,廣告中不斷教導大眾,多喝牛奶攝取足量鈣質,可以杜絕骨骼疏鬆,強化骨骼;營養專家,醫護人員教導,政府衛生教育宣傳,再再強調補充蛋白質,補充鈣質,多喝牛奶,多攝取乳類製品,年輕人可以強化骨骼,老年人可以揮別骨骼疏軟。這種耳熟能詳的廣告詞,早已為『蛋白質、鈣質及牛奶缺乏會導致骨質疏鬆症的恐慌者』奉為圭臬,並且天天力行實踐。何以如此賣力實踐,骨科門診及病房中,仍舊有許多不慎扭傷或滑倒就造成骨折的病人呢?坦白說,每當後學對醫學研究報告讀得越多越仔細越深入後,越感到誇大、不實,虛偽廣告對眾生的殘害。以訛傳訛,錯誤觀念,所謂專家一言九鼎的信條,也只是扭曲事實,自大腐化的認識,殊不知營養醫學的革命,早已有良知的改革者默默地在大力推動中,如在美國研究飲食與疾病關聯方面權威之一的麥都果醫生(A. John McDougall),曾做過一個全世界各地區人民攝取鈣質與骨質疏鬆症的大型研究計劃——歷經多年的研究調查,提出幾個事實,以資參考。