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主題標題: 美國公佈 2008年度“最安全汽車”
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    文章一覽:美國公佈 2008年度“最安全汽車” (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    rainbow 發表於: 2008/07/09 04:53pm

    下面引用由rainbow2008/05/28 00:51pm 發表的內容:
    Guess what?  Subaru Impreza made it to the "Top 10 Costliest Car to Insure" list.
    The following news article discusses why insurance companies charge much higher premium on parti ...

     Another unfavorable insurance statistics associated with Subaru Impreza.  









      慘遭辣車輾斃的Hem John Desmond,在賽車界略有名氣。(網上圖片)  

    灣仔撞車不顧而去 東廊扒頭失控猛撼綿羊仔






    曾任賽車隊技術總監 遺下懷孕妻

    慘遭輾斃的39歲鐵騎士Hem John Desmond為馬來西亞人,曾任中港電單車賽車隊技術總監,在賽車界略有名氣,妻子已懷孕,詎料突然橫死,舉家添上愁雲(見另稿)。

    事發於昨晨10時許,歐駕駛富士跑車(Subaru,俗稱 「掃把佬」)在灣仔馬師道左轉入鴻興道,失控撞及一輛私家車及一個燈箱,惟他未有停下,反輾轉沿東區走廊往柴灣方向飛馳。辣車狂C約3公里至北角和富中心對開時疑「扒頭」失控,猛撞右邊石壆,繼而反彈數十米至慢線,把John所駕駛的綿羊仔電單車撞倒。

    rainbow 發表於: 2008/05/28 00:51pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2008/05/28 00:55pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由rainbow2008/05/14 05:29pm 發表的內容:

    下面引用由九千在 2008/05/08 00:51am 發表的內容:
    我知道系2008 Subaru Impreza WRX STi,但佢原廠已經有305匹馬力,也只是叫做小型轎車。其他上榜的大型轎車都不過300匹,有的更在200以內。(當然不計改引擎啦,否則都上唔到榜)
    一活A一定有過人之處 ^^


    Guess what?  Subaru Impreza made it to the "Top 10 Costliest Car to Insure" list.

    The following news article discusses why insurance companies charge much higher premium on particular type of cars.


    The 10 costliest cars to insure  
    Yes, the cost of repairs has something to do with it, but who drives them and how fast they're driven also are huge factors. Here are the 10 costliest to insure -- and the 10 cheapest.

    By Bankrate.com

    If you're shopping for a new car, chances are you're considering things such as gas mileage, vehicle size, comfort and even that all-important CD system. But have you checked on the cost of insurance?

    A quick call to your agent might help you narrow your choices -- and avoid a second case of sticker shock after you drive your new car home.

    The reason: Along with your own driving record, your ZIP code and the demographics of the drivers in your household, the make and model of your vehicle can have a big effect on your insurance bill, says Russ Rader, spokesman for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Of all of those factors, the type of vehicle you put in your garage is the only variable you can change immediately.

    "The choice of the car itself is going to affect, in particular, what you will spend for comprehensive and collision," says Jeanne Salvatore, senior vice president of public affairs for the Insurance Information Institute.

    Why some cost more
    Collision-damage costs are one of the main factors in differentiating the cost of insuring one type of car over another, says Rader. To a lesser extent, you also want to look at how attractive the car is to thieves.

    Vehicles that top the insurance-cost list tend to be either high horsepower, high dollar or expensive to repair, Rader says. An expensive choice: "Sporty cars that are favored by young drivers who are risky drivers, so they are crashing a lot."

    Higher horsepower means the driver is more likely to be going faster and getting into more accidents. That will send insurance rates up for everyone who owns a similar car.

    Many of the vehicles that are expensive to insure "share a common problem, and that is horsepower," says Kim Hazelbaker, a senior vice president with the Highway Loss Data Institute, an affiliate of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

    Size matters
    Some think that a smaller, more maneuverable car is able to outrun trouble and avoid crashes. It's a myth, Rader says.

    "When you look at the statistics and insurance claims, small sports cars tend to be in more crashes," he says. Adding to the problem: "They tend to be engaged in faster driving."

    From a statistical standpoint, the safest models tend to be the full-sized family sedan-type cars, he says.

    A few other special circumstances can also send rates through the roof. If a car is a popular target for thieves, your insurance company might charge you higher rates.  

    If you're driving a high-priced car, it will likely cost more to fix after a collision. As a result, your insurance bill will go up when you add it to the policy, Rader says. Likewise, some luxury or high-end cars feature aluminum body panels that are more expensive to fix or replace than sheet metal, he says.

    One other factor to consider: How much damage is your vehicle likely to inflict in a crash?

    As sport utility vehicles have become more popular, insurance companies have had to study and factor that issue into premiums, Salvatore says. As a result, if you drive an SUV, your liability premium (which covers damage to other vehicles), could be higher because of the increased damage a vehicle of that size can cause in an accident, she says.

    The 10 cars with the most expensive collision losses, starting with the most expensive, from 2002 to 2004 figures from the Highway Loss Data Institute are:

    Most expensive models to insure

    1)  Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
    2)  Mercedes CL-Class

    3)  Dodge SRT-4

    4)  Subaru Impreza WRX

    5)  Jaguar XK (convertible)

    6)  Lexus IS 300

    7)  Honda S2000

    8)  Acura RSX

    9)  Nissan 350Z

    10)  Jaguar XJ

    Don't let the list scare you; insurance cost isn't necessarily a reflection of safety.

    "A safe car is not necessarily the cheapest car to insure," Salvatore says. The car itself could also be expensive or just expensive to repair after an accident, which would increase insurance costs.

    But a high rate is a red flag to ask a few questions. For instance, if a car has a lot of horsepower and is involved in a lot of crashes, that can also send insurance rates up, even if the car itself is relatively inexpensive.

    So if you're getting ready to buy your teenager that dream model and the insurance rate comes back sky high, it may be a tip that it's time to search for another make and model.

    The least expensive
    Sometimes the driver really does make all the difference.

    Insurance companies and crash analysts have noticed that vehicles most often associated with family transportation -- such as minivans, station wagons and family sedans -- get in fewer crashes than the high horsepower hotrods that appeal to young male drivers.

    "It's pretty traditional to see things like station wagons and minivans there -- vehicles probably operated by soccer moms in non-aggressive fashion," Hazelbaker says.

    In addition, many (but not all) of the vehicles that rank low in collision costs also tend to be "generally, not real expensive vehicles," he says.

    The 10 least expensive models to insure, in terms of collision losses, starting with the least expensive are:

    Least expensive models to insure

    1)  Volvo XC90
    2)  Chevrolet Malibu Maxx

    3)  GMC Safari
    4)  Buick LeSabre
    5)  Nissan Pathfinder Armada (2004 only)

    6)  Pontiac Montana (standard model)

    7) Mazda MPV

    8)  Ford Thunderbird

    9)  Pontiac Montana (extended model)

    10)  Ford Taurus (station wagon)

    Just as with the most costly picks, a variety of reasons can land a vehicle on the least expensive list. For instance, the Volvo XC90 and Chevy station wagon that make the top of the "best" list are "likely to be family vehicles, driven differently than the vehicles on the "worst" list," Rader says. And the Ford Thunderbird, he says, "tends to be a second or third car and is not driven as often."

    By Dana Dratch. She is a freelance writer based in Atlanta.

    rainbow 發表於: 2008/05/17 02:42pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2008/05/17 02:44pm 第 1 次編輯]


    24歲的兒子黃雷蒙(音譯,Raymond Wong)駕 2007 賽恩(Scion)小客車


    往 水 牛 城 畢 業 典 禮
    疑 超 速 失 控 撞 欄
    華 裔 家 庭 車 禍 父 死 亡 母 子 傷

      (本報記者張心紜紐約報道)上周五(9日)晚間紐約上州奧農達加縣(Onondaga County)Van Buren鎮附近發生一起嚴重車禍,一輛載有華裔一家3口的豐田轎車疑似因為超速失控撞上一旁的護欄,整輛車瞬間翻覆,造成其中1名乘客當場死亡、另外一名乘客重傷與司機輕傷的慘劇。

    據州警表示,該輛2007賽恩(Scion)小客車上包括司機一共3人,是一來自紐約市的華裔家庭,當時由24歲的兒子黃雷蒙(音譯,Raymond Wong)駕車,從紐約市前往水牛城。

    大約在晚間7時35分左右,正當他自西向690號州際公路的斜坡駛進紐約州收費公路(New York State Thruway


    坐在後座的63歲父親黃培中(音譯,Pui Cheong Wong),因為強大的撞擊力與離心力,加上沒有繫上安全帶,整個人從車頂敞開的天窗被拋了出去,再重重跌至路面,州警表示黃培中當場死亡。

    今年60歲的母親黃慕蘭(音譯,Mun Lan Wong)事發當時坐在前座,劇烈的衝撞讓她身受重傷,雖已緊急送往大學醫院(University Hospital)進行急救,至今仍未脫離險境。

    駕駛黃雷蒙受到輕傷,事後被送往社區綜合醫院(Community General Hospital)進行救治,目前傷勢已獲得控制,情況穩定。

    州警表示,黃雷蒙是水牛城大學(University of Buffalo)的學生。





    NYC man killed in I-690 crash

    Saturday, May 10, 2008

    A New York City man died after being thrown out of a car's sunroof during a rollover crash Friday on Interstate 690 in Van Buren, state police said.

    Pui Choeng Wong, 63, a back-seat passenger, was pronounced dead at the scene.

    Wong's son, Raymond Wong, 24, also of New York City, was driving a 2007 Scion coupe at 7:39 p.m. on the highway's westbound off-ramp to the state Thruway when he lost control going too fast around a curve, said Sgt. Ed Foster, station commander of the Lysander barracks.

    The car rolled twice, throwing Pui Choeng Wong onto a grassy median 30 feet away, Foster said.

    Raymond Wong's mother, Mun Lan Wong, 59, was in serious condition at University Hospital, Foster said. Raymond Wong was in stable condition at Community General Hospital.

    Foster said it appeared none of the occupants was wearing a seat belt.

    "In this collision, seat belts absolutely would have made a difference," Foster said. "The interior of the car was intact" after the crash.  

    - Douglass Dowty, staff writer

    rainbow 發表於: 2008/05/14 05:29pm

    下面引用由九千2008/05/08 00:51am 發表的內容:
    我知道系2008 Subaru Impreza WRX STi,但佢原廠已經有305匹馬力,也只是叫做小型轎車。其他上榜的大型轎車都不過300匹,有的更在200以內。(當然不計改引擎啦,否則都上唔到榜)
    一活A一定有過人之處 ^^

    I don't know about the insurance companies in Hong Kong. In the U.S., insurance coverage for Sports Car tend to be more expensive. The actuaries calculate the risk of car accidents, drivers of sports car have a greater tendency to drive at high speed = higher chance of car accidents = higher insurance premium.

    Subaru Impreza sounds like a sports car.

    The other factor is age. Male drivers who are less 35 years old tend to pay much higher insurance premium.

    There are 2 recent car accidents involving young Male drivers. Both of them are Chinese male less than 25 years old. These 2 young male drivers are the main  reasons insurance companies charge them a much higher insurance premium.



    紐約上州2日深夜發生一起致命車禍,坐在後座未繫安全帶的22歲華裔大學生潘威利(Willie Poon) 的頭部重創,當場昏迷不醒,重傷不治。 另外4名在車上的學生包括司機則只受輕傷,肇事的廂旅車Acura MDX被撞至不成車形。    


    駕駛司機是華生Rolyden Liu疑似酒後駕車睡著,車輛失控撞向路邊大樹,釀成悲劇。


    Frat grieves loss of brother after weekend crash
    By Ashley Tarr, Pipe Dream
    Originally published Tuesday, May 6, 2008

    A single-car accident resulted in the death of a Binghamton University student this weekend. The driver of the car, who was the victim’s fraternity brother, was charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving while intoxicated.

    Willie Poon was one of four passengers in a vehicle that went off the road at 11:10 p.m. on Friday, according to the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office. The driver was Rolyden C. Liu, a member of Poon’s fraternity Lambda Phi Epsilon.

    According to police, the car, a 2001 Acura MDX registered to one of Liu’s relatives, was traveling east on Route 79 in Tompkins County, a quarter mile before the Tioga County line, when it left the roadway and struck a tree. One passenger said the group was heading back from Cornell University after visiting a fraternity house there.  

    Liu’s blood alcohol level was unknown at the time of print, and is still being tested. Police could not say whether he was speeding, but there were no skid marks in the roadway. It’s possible he drifted or fell asleep, said Capt. Derek Osborne, but the road was fairly straight and in good condition.

    Route 79 does not have an overwhelming history of accidents, according to police.

    The most damage was done to the car’s passenger side, where the tree impacted the car. Poon was sitting in the backseat on the passenger’s side, the report states.

    Poon, a senior at BU, sustained a serious head injury and was transported to Cayuga Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead by hospital staff at 2:55 a.m. on Saturday, police said.    

    The other passengers suffered scrapes and bruises, and were treated and released. Two of them are also BU students, while the other attends the University of Michigan.      

    There were no other witnesses to the accident other than the passengers.

    Liu was initially charged with driving while intoxicated and vehicular assault, a felony in the second degree. After Poon’s passing, Liu was re-arraigned on the charge of vehicular manslaughter, also a felony.

    He was sent to Tompkins County Jail in lieu of a $25,000/$50,000 cash/bond bail. He was bailed out Saturday morning and was scheduled to appear in the Town of Caroline Court today at 9 a.m.

    Timothy Chan, Lambda’s fundraiser, described Poon as a “gentle giant,” a very caring guy and the type of person who never had bad intentions.

    “He loved to laugh, he loved to do harmless practical jokes,” Chan said. “He touched a lot of people.”

    It was Poon’s affinity for meeting new people that drove him to visit colleges in Massachusetts, California and several other states, according to Chan. Students from the University of Toronto, the University of Massachusetts and UT Dallas, among other colleges, inscribed the Facebook wall of a group dedicated to Poon with messages of shock and remembrance of “Strobe” — a nickname Poon went by.

    “On the East Coast, nationwide pretty much, everyone knew him as Strobe,” Chan said. “If there was one person who knew everybody, he knew everybody.”

    Chan described Poon as a beloved member of his fraternity, and a role model for the pledge class he coached last semester as pledge master.

    “He actually took a fatherly role to [his pledges],” he added. ”He loved his class.”

    Poon loved watching movies, working out, going to clubs and just enjoyed being around people.

    “You could always look forward to seeing his patented smile, which would brighten anyone’s day,” said Jason Chen, another member of Lambda.

    Mark Iong, a member of the CU’s Lambda chapter, said Poon had come for a barbecue at his fraternity house that Friday, and was there to celebrate Slope Day, a Cornell University-sanctioned event featuring food, music, games and alcohol for guests of age.

    The annual celebration includes a portion of the day called “Slope Fest,” which takes place in a fenced-in area where alcohol is sold. Students need a valid ID and a stamp to buy alcohol, and are limited to five cups of beer — sold one at a time — for the entire event, which began at noon and ended at 5:30 p.m., according to Simeon Moss, director of press relations for CU.

    “Willie’s always been there, not just for his BU brothers but also Cornell,” Iong said. “We never would’ve expected something like this would happen.”

    — Robert Hadad-Zlokower and Erika Neddenien contributed reporting to this article.


    潘威利車禍不治 親友傷痛
    同學酒駕失控 家屬不願究責


    【本報記者李春曉紐約報導】紐約上州2日深夜發生一起致命車禍,坐在後座的22歲華裔大學生潘威利(Willie Poon)重傷不治。警方調查顯示,駕駛的華生Roiyden Liu疑似酒後駕車睡著,車輛失控撞向路邊大樹,釀成悲劇。

    潘威利是賓漢頓大學(Binghamton University)兄弟會Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity的積極成員,出車禍當日正是要趕回學校參加兄弟會的畢業舞會。車禍消息傳出後在朋友圈和兄弟會引起極大震撼和傷痛,好友將於近日在學校為他舉辦追悼儀式。  
    死者家屬在事故發生後,聲明將不會對車禍駕駛司機,潘威利的同學和朋友Rolyden Liu,追究任何刑事責任。他們表示「不願再毀掉另外一個人。」Rolyden Liu被警方判為酒後駕駛,被控二級駕車傷人罪(Vehicular Manslaughter),若被判刑,將面臨最高七年的牢獄。潘威利的弟弟潘丹尼(Danny Poon)表示,「事情已經發生了,我們起訴他並不能讓威利起死回生,我們不願看到另外一個生命被毀掉。」


    潘威利和幾名同學2日前往Ithaca參加康奈爾大學Slope Day慶祝活動,並與康奈爾大學Lambda Phi Edsilon Fraternity成員碰頭,當日晚他搭乘Rolyden Liu駕駛的汽車返回學校時,在Caroline County的79號公路發生車禍,由於Rolyden Liu酒後駕車,疑似睡著,車輛失控後撞向路邊大樹,潘威利的頭部受到重傷,在被送往Cayuga Medical Center醫院後於凌晨2時55分逝世。




    Rolyden Liu告訴警方自己駕駛時睡著,車子失控衝進旁邊路溝,他說自己曾努力想把車開出路溝,但已經無力挽回,車子直接撞向路邊的大樹。




    潘威利在賓漢頓大學的同學將於10日(周六)下午1時至6時,在校內舉辦追悼儀式。潘威利的家人將於5月18日在曼哈坦華埠茂比利街22號的Wah Lai殯儀館為他舉行葬禮。


    上 州 車 禍   1 死 3 傷
    同 學 醉 駕 賓 漢 頓 華 生 喪 命

      (本報記者林意善紐約報道)紐約上州依迪卡市(Ithaca)於上周五(2日)深夜發生一宗恐怖致命車禍,一名來自史丹頓島的華裔學生潘維利(Willie Poon)在車禍中喪命,另外3名學生則受輕傷,警方在案後逮捕了駕車的20歲華裔大學生羅利丹劉(Rolyden Liu),他被控醉酒駕車。

    4名死傷者和司機中,死者和司機以及另外兩名乘客都是上州賓漢頓大學(Binghamton University)的學生,另一人則是密歇根大學(Michigan University)的學生,5人當時駕車前往位於依迪卡市的康乃爾大學參加一項活動後,由上述劉姓學生駕車準備重返賓漢頓大學,卻在途中肇致命車禍。


    警方指出,案件發生在上州卡洛琳郡(Caroline County)靠近湯金斯迪亞卡郡(Tompkins-Tioga County)的79號公路(Route 79),被控的司機羅利丹劉當時在該公路疑開快車或睡著失控,而撞到馬路旁的數棵大樹。該公路的時速限制是55英里。



    另外4名在車上的學生包括司機則只受輕傷,警方透露,3名傷者是死者同學王秀(Siu K. Wong)和艾坲勒周(Alfred Chau)和來自密西根大學的嚴羅拉(Laura Yien)。

    警方形容,車禍現場令人觸目驚心,路旁多棵大樹被撞至東倒西歪,現場留下學生們的用具包括書本,手提電腦,記事本,血淋淋的紙巾等,而肇事的廂旅車Acura MDX也被撞至不成車形。但警方調查後發現,駕車來自上州漢亭頓(Huntington)的學生羅利丹劉可能醉酒駕車而對他展開調查,結果發現其身上所含的酒精超出法令限制而將他逮捕,檢察官在傷者傷重去世後,根據州刑事法典對被告提出最嚴重的二級駕車傷人控罪(Vehicular Manslaughter),法官諭令設保5萬元現金,其家屬於周六交保後已出外候審。




    rainbow 發表於: 2008/05/09 00:47pm


    Toyota Tundra  
    rainbow 發表於: 2008/05/09 00:46pm


    Honda CR-V  


    Honda Element  


    Subaru Forester (選配ESC電子穩定控制系統)  


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