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主題標題: 吹水人 Harvey Weinstein 騙完 迪斯尼 電影公司後, 再騙亞洲富豪的錢
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    文章一覽:吹水人 Harvey Weinstein 騙完 迪斯尼 電影公司後, 再騙亞洲富豪的錢 (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/06/07 10:19am
    <pre>據稱 David Dong 是上海 textile 工業大亨,   擁有 Meridian Pictures. (華映電影).    

    不知道 Harvey Weinstein (哈維.溫斯坦) 今次會否成功騙 上海富豪 David Dong 的錢.

    華映電影的 website
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/06/06 01:08pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/06/07 01:17pm 第 2 次編輯]

    <pre>迪斯尼 電影公司(Disney Motion Pictures) 早在2005 年 3 月趁早 (6 個月期滿之前) 跟   Harvey Weinstein 切斷關係, 讓合約在 2005 年 9 月到期 不跟 Weinstein 續約   (let the contract expired without renewing his contracts), Harvey Weinstein 必須重組一家新的公司.            

    迪斯尼 電影公司 跟 Harvey Weinstein 切斷關係的理由是: 內部查帳員 (Internal Auditors) 查出 Weinstein 連續很多年做假的會計簿冊 (cooking the books)  ,讓迪斯尼 內部流血, 另一方面,Harvey Weinstein 做假的會計, 賺取花紅 (bonus).    

    迪斯尼 電影公司 礙於 不想公開地承認 公司缺少查會計帳的監控,所以他們說跟 Harvey Weinstein 是 "友善的" 告別。</pre>



    <pre>The Great Illusionist
    Harvey Weinstein rides again.
    By Edward Jay Epstein
    Posted Monday, Oct. 10, 2005, at 7:11 AM ET

    Now that Harvey Weinstein has left Miramax, the distribution company he founded in 1979 and sold to Disney in 1993, he has truly grandiose plans for his new vehicle, the Weinstein Company. Together with his brother Bob, he plans to build a giant "multimedia company, just like we have always wanted." This summer, he formulated a business plan that stipulates a capital investment of three-quarters of a billion dollars, which would make the Weinstein Company one of the richest independent movie companies in America. So far, according to an SEC filing on Oct. 5, Weinstein has raised $230.5 million in equity. While rounding up the rest, he can borrow up to $150 million in bridge loans from a Goldman Sachs affiliate.

    Harvey's charming of Wall Street is no doubt helped by his image as a ruthlessly successful mogul, an image that he has brilliantly engineered over the years. Even stories about his cruel treatment of others have become part of the legend. When Ken Auletta asked Harvey about his reputation in a New Yorker profile, he replied: "It's brutal to tell the truth in an industry where everyone lies." The "truth" according to Weinstein was relatively simple: Miramax was an enormously lucrative movie company that not only yielded Disney a double-digit rate of return on its films but, in recent years, accounted for most of Disney's profits.

    Disney now has a different take on Weinstein's success story. With the help of an internal audit, Disney has found that Miramax's financial picture was far less rosy than Weinstein painted it. In fact, rather than buoying Disney's profits, Miramax was hemorrhaging rivers of red ink. This reversal of fortune proceeds from a loophole in the original deal that Jeffrey Katzenberg, then Disney's studio head, negotiated with Weinstein in 1993. (That was the year Disney bought Miramax for $70 million.) The Weinsteins had demonstrated a superb gift for finding, shaping, and marketing independent films like sex, lies, and videotape and The Crying Game. To give the brothers a powerful incentive to ferret out similar arty winners, Disney agreed to give them a performance bonus of between 30 percent and 35 percent of their film profits, a bonus that would be calculated each fiscal year.

    The deal also tied Miramax's capital budget for acquiring and producing films to its annual performance. So, the more money Miramax made in a fiscal year, the more money the Weinsteins made and the bigger the capital budget of their Miramax division. Disney further agreed to calculate Miramax's profits in a fiscal year solely on the films released that year. In making what seemed like a minor concession to Weinstein so that he could use his discretion in timing the marketing of art films, Disney did not foresee how brilliantly he would game this loophole. Through it, Weinstein was able to create the illusion of profits for Miramax and the reality of huge bonus payments for himself and his brother.

    How did Harvey do this? He simply shifted potential money-losing films into future fiscal years so that they didn't reduce either his bonus or Miramax's capital budget. To prevent Weinstein from overspending, Eisner later imposed a further condition on the deal: For every dollar Miramax exceeded its capital budget, a similar amount was deducted from the Weinsteins' annual bonus. To avoid this penalty, Weinstein could delay releasing high-budget films in years in which he was close to exceeding his capital budget. As a result, even more films got dumped into Weinstein's limbo of unreleased movies. For example, Zhang Yimou's Hero, which had been acquired at Sundance in 2002, was held for more than two years so that its nearly $20 million cost would not count against the Weinsteins' bonus. Hero was released in 2004, a year less profitable for Miramax in which no bonus would be paid anyway.

    In 2005, after the Hollywood super lawyer (and Shakespearean scholar) Bert Fields negotiated the Weinsteins' exit package, Miramax began releasing many of the delayed movies, including The Brothers Grimm, Underclassman, and The Great Raid, and, with their costs, it became clear to Disney executives that much, if not all, of Miramax's profits over the last five years would be wiped out by these losses. In 2005 alone, the estimated losses will exceed $120 million. And, to add insult to injury, the Weinsteins' exit package, reported to be between $130 and $140 million, was partially based on what turned out to be Miramax's phantom profits in prior fiscal years. (It also included compensation to the Weinsteins for Disney's right to make sequels, to take over stars' contracts, and to continue to use the Dimension name.)

    Of course, Weinstein could argue that even if Miramax turns out to be much less profitable than he previously depicted, it provided award-winning artistic films such as Pulp Fiction, The Piano, My Left Foot, The English Patient, and Shakespeare in Love that greatly enriched the film culture. If so, perhaps Weinstein acted for the sake of art in expanding his capital budget (and, along the way, gilding his bonuses by millions). OK. But why did Disney allow him to get away with this legerdemain? One Disney executive explained that even though Disney had 100 or so people watching Miramax, they were stymied by Weinstein's mercurial and evasive actions.

    To be sure, even Weinstein's own people were baffled by his elusive behavior. Two top subordinates recalled how Weinstein's aides rescheduled a conference call with them every half hour for four hours and with each call reported that he had shifted his location. Finally, at 5 p.m., they were told they were being put through to "Harvey's room." They began talking over the speaker phone only to be told that Harvey was no longer in Harvey's room. He had, like the Wizard of Oz, vanished to yet another location.  
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/06/06 01:02pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/06/07 01:21pm 第 3 次編輯]

    <pre>最近,我讀新聞 , Harvey Weinstein 原來是 "吹水人" ,  大騙子.

    迪斯尼 電影公司(Disney Motion Pictures) 早在2005 年 3 月趁早 (6 個月期滿之前) 跟  Harvey Weinstein 切斷關係, 讓合約在 2005 年 9 月到期 不跟 Weinstein 續約   (let the contract expired without renewing his contracts), Harvey Weinstein 必須重組一家新的公司.          

    迪斯尼 電影公司 跟 Harvey Weinstein 切斷關係的理由是: 內部查帳員 (Internal Auditors) 查出 Weinstein 連續很多年做假的會計簿冊 (cooking the books) ,讓迪斯尼 內部流血   , 另一方面,Harvey Weinstein 做假的會計, 賺取花紅 (bonus).  

    迪斯尼 電影公司 礙於 不想公開地承認 公司缺少查會計帳的監控,所以他們說跟 Harvey Weinstein 是 "友善的" 告別。

    Harvey Weinstein 現在嘗試 騙一個亞洲富豪叫 David Dong 的錢 。我不知道他的中文名字, 據稱 David Dong 擁有 Meridien Pictures,據稱 David Dong 是 第一次作製片人用金錢投資.  

    我不知道 Harvey Weinstein 會否成功騙亞洲富豪的錢.    

    我相信 Harvey Weinstein 利用 甄子丹(Donnie Yen) 作為一個誘餌 . 希望亞洲富豪湧入大量的錢投資在電影 , 繼續做假的會計 , 賺取亞洲人的錢.  

    這本書是關於 Harvey Weinstein 的 叫 "Down and Dirty Pictures : Miramax, Sundance, and the Rise of Independent Film",  在 2004 年是一本《紐約時報》暢銷書.</pre>


    FEBRUARY 11, 2004

    By Thane Peterson

    Harvey Weinstein: Down and Dirty

    A new book describes a temper-challenged Miramax impresario whose studio's biggest hits were flicks he messed with least

    Just about everyone in Hollywood -- save its most powerful moguls -- is supposedly afraid of Harvey Weinstein, the volatile co-chairman of the Miramax movie studio. The large shadow Harvey casts makes Peter Biskind's well-documented, deeply sourced new book, Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film (Simon & Schuster, $26.95), all the more remarkable.

    This gossipy chronicle is highly critical of other pivotal players in independent movies, including Sundance Film Festival founder Robert Redford and Bob Weinstein, Harvey's mercurial brother and partner (see BW Online 2/10/04, "Where Indie Films Are Alive and Well"). But the bulk of this 544-page opus -- already No. 8 on The New York Times nonfiction bestseller list -- focuses on Harvey Weinstein. It's based on hundreds of mostly on-the-record interviews with actors, directors, competitors, and former employees, as well as with Harvey himself. Biskind, who writes for Vanity Fair, paints the 300-pound movie mogul as a manipulative, abusive bully who's prone to throwing things and tearing phones off the wall.

    The question Biskind raises -- and doesn't fully succeed in answering -- is whether Miramax (and Sundance, for that matter) did more harm than good in creating an artistic, independent alternative to Hollywood movies. But when it comes to Harvey, the matter seems almost beside the point.

    "ACTING CRAZY." True, there's little doubt that at his best Harvey is a courageous champion of smaller films, starting with director Steven Soderbergh's pioneering 1989 movie sex, lies and videotape to City of God, a Brazilian film that just received four Oscar nominations. But after reading the book, I couldn't help but wonder how has he gotten away with this so long, especially given that Miramax has been a unit of publicly held Walt Disney & Co. (DIS ) for more than a decade? Even by Tinseltown standards, Harvey's behavior as described by Biskind is outrageous. Take the following two confrontations -- among dozens involving him -- described in the book:

    • In November, 2000, Weinstein put New York Observer editor Andrew Goldman, who tried to defend a female colleague whose questions had angered Harvey, "in a headlock and dragged him out the doors onto the street as the guests poured out behind them and the paparazzi snapped pictures. Finally, the Miramax publicists, who were all over Weinstein like Lilliputians on Gulliver, grabbing his arms and saying things like, 'Let him go, let him go Harvey, you're acting crazy', succeeded in separating the two men."

    • In early 2001, Eric Gitter, producer of the film 0, earned Harvey's ire by insisting at a meeting that Miramax honor its contractual obligation to promote the movie. "What precisely happened in that room is cloaked in a confidentiality agreement," Biskind writes, "but Gitter suggests that Weinstein overturned furniture, and says that although Harvey never laid a hand on him, he got close enough 'so that I could smell what he had for lunch. It wasn't attractive.'"

    EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES? Harvey has admitted that he gets carried away because he's so "passionate" about movies. He has often described how seeing The 400 Blows, Francois Truffaut's coming-of-age movie, as a teenager changed his life and spurred him to make a career of promoting movies that otherwise might never be widely seen. But this book is full of unflattering accounts from creative people -- including directors Bernardo Bertolucci, Todd Haynes, and Spike Lee, and actors Ben Afleck, Matt Damon, and Ethan Hawke -- of having been manipulated or misled.

    Less well-known players, more vulnerable to Harvey's whims, speak of being driven to ulcers, near nervous breakdowns, and the brink of financial ruin by seeing their films delayed or released with virtually no publicity. How exactly is all this about being "passionate" for movies?

    Miramax claims the book contains many factual errors that it wasn't given a chance to correct. Miramax also says the extenuating circumstances in some of the confrontations aren't given adequate weight. For instance, spokesman Matthew Hiltzik notes that Goldman hit another guest with a tape recorder Harvey was trying to snatch from him and then refused to apologize. Hiltzik adds that "while Harvey acknowledges and has taken responsibility for having a temper in many instances, many of the claims [in the book] are exaggerated or apocryphal."

    MAJOR NO-NO. Perhaps. But even allowing for exaggeration, much of Harvey's behavior is less than admirable. It's also counterproductive. Biskind portrays him as a frustrated director with a compulsion to leave his stamp on other people's movies. Yet among the more ambitious movies he championed, the ones that have gotten the biggest audiences have been the ones he didn't mess with, including sex, lies and videotape, My Left Foot, The Crying Game, Shakespeare in Love, as well as Pulp Fiction and other movies directed by Quentin Tarantino.

    More damaging to Harvey's reputation than messing with movies has been his penchant in recent years for mixing it up with such heavyweights as entertainment baron Barry Diller and Universal Pictures Chairman Stacey Snider -- a major no-no in Hollywood's exquisitely calibrated hierarchy. Indeed, Biskind observes "a growing consensus" that Harvey has gotten "too big for his britches."

    While the book is often illuminating -- pointing out, for example, that most of Miramax' profits lately have come from the frankly commercial projects such as Scary Movie and Scary Movie II produced by Bob Weinstein -- it isn't all that well-written. The endless details of movie deals could easily be cut by some 100 pages. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is less than passionately interested in independent films -- or Harvey Weinstein.

    REPENTANT? In an interview with Biskind, Weinstein admitted that after a contretemps with Frida director Julie Taymor, he realized he needed to get help with anger management. "All my movies got screwed up because of my personality," he recalled telling a Miramax exec at the time. "I have too bad a temper, this has to stop, now. God, what an *beep* I've been."

    Who knows how many people would argue with Harvey? But it's clear that the world of alternative film would be a lot better off if he could channel his energy away from anger and abuse into his real talents -- marketing and promotion.


    這本書是關於 Harvey Weinstein 的 叫 "Down and Dirty Pictures : Miramax, Sundance, and the Rise of Independent Film",  在 2004 年是一本《紐約時報》暢銷書.

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