what to 看清楚 before getting married? even if the woman has never been pregnant, she may look not look so good as she grows older. every one must experience aging
>>俗語常說「為母則強」,卻少有人說「為父則強」,理由就是很多男人根本忘記自己是個父親。 true motherhood is natural and can be easily found as almost all mowen have nurturing instinct. while fatherhood is not so common in nature. matriarchal societies are more natrual than patriarchal ones there's been more craziness in patriarchal societies...
>>台灣現在三十歲到四十歲的女性,有三分之一沒結婚 not bad to be independent is good when there's not a suitable companion, being single is good
>>爭吵絕對無法解決問題,靠的是智慧,女人要好好學習,男人更該警惕! what to learn? What to watch out? they shoud think about for what do they continue the relationship seems that the man takes (actually, exploits) only and expects the woman gives more i think a proper relationship involves taking and giving, as the essence is sharing in the context of love mmm... immature persons know nothing about love at all