Even if Yen appreciates 4% to 110, you still get 4% return without actual capital on hand. (you may also lock up the Yen rate with swap/warrant as well)
在談及交行的人民幣業務時,交通銀行副總經理須成發稱,交行的人民幣業務表現一向穩定,增長理想。他表示,05年的人民幣存款,與04年比較有雙位數增長,並估計今年會有不俗的表現,甚至會較同業優勝。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It really means that 交行 want sell a very high demand product for people betting 人民幣會升穿8.03. However, it does not want to take the risk, or it has enough already. So, it want ordinary people to take the other side of the bet "美元兌人民幣的報價位於8.03至8.1的範圍之內". Thus, 人民幣會升穿8.03 in this year.