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主題標題: 狂飆印度 股價飛越萬點大關
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    炒蝦拆蟹 發表於: 2006/02/24 00:51am


    GerryWu 發表於: 2006/02/23 09:30pm
    会漲就是会漲 沒敗象就是会漲
    az259 發表於: 2006/02/10 03:36am
    Originally travel to Boston.......but they decide to leave 2 spot for Ireland.........I win the draw!!!  HEHE!
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/09 02:49pm

    下面引用由az2592006/02/10 01:47am 發表的內容:
    it is ok.  my colleague is from Cork......working with him for 3 months at T.O.  i  will take the chance to travel to england.  of course, i will bring in a lot of junk food for them.

    Wow!  So you actually understand what he said to you?  Good for you!

    3 months of intensive course in "Cork English".  This reminds me of my college years, many graduate assistants come from India.  I developed a specialty in "Indian accents comprehesion" after getting more than my fair share of Indian graduate assistants teaching classes.

    az259 發表於: 2006/02/10 01:47am
    it is ok.  my colleague is from Cork......working with him for 3 months at T.O.  i  will take the chance to travel to england.  of course, i will bring in a lot of junk food for them.  
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:27pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/02/09 00:34pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由az2592006/02/09 03:43pm 發表的內容:
    Thanks for the news.  I only read CDN financial news.  Some of those APAC info. may not be up to date.  will work in Cork for a month, putting all the $$$ in BCE


    Do you mean you will be going to Cork, Ireland to work there?

    If yes, get ready for their extremely hard to understand accents.  I had to speak with people from Dublin, Ireland before. Dublin accents are OK, not that hard to understand them.  But then, there were a few Cork people working in Dublin.  Their accents I totally did not get at all, even after I asked them to repeat a few times.  I have to ask the Dublin people to do some "translation".

    I am not exaggerating.  Those Dublin folks know Cork accents are unique.  But I am not sure why they sound so different when they speak English.  Their native tongue is Gaelic, however, it experiences ups and downs over history.  


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