網路銀行's CD rates are usually the highest. They pass on the savings to customers because these internet banks don't need to pay high rent to set up a physical branch in big commercial districts.
Big banks set up their own internet banks also to reap profits from other end of the market. Dutch giant bank ING created "ING Direct", HSBC has "HSBC direct" and Citibank has "Citibank Direct" to grab customers who feel comfortable with "branchless" bank. </pre>
【本報訊】華爾街日報30日報導,最近美國許多銀行把短期定存(certificate of deposit,簡稱CD)利率提高至5%左右,是五年來的新高,在聯邦準備理事會有意繼續調高聯邦基金利率的情形下,定存變成一個投資的好選擇。 定存利率最高的是網路銀行,如NetBank、E*Trade銀行,其一年期定存的利率達5%,或更高,也是自2001年來的新高,佛羅里達州VirtualBank更把六個月和九個月的定存利率調為5%,一年定存利率為5.15%。
傳統銀行如花旗銀行(Citibank)、大通銀行(J.P. Morgan Chase)、美國商業銀行(Bank of America),正在某些城市促銷特別利率為4.5%的一年期以下定存;一些經紀公司的銀行部門,如李曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)公司,也把一年期定存的利率調為5%。