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    az259 發表於: 2006/05/28 01:49pm
    現在是 BS 年代.  有一張咀, 及不要臉就行了.  
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/05/27 07:02pm

    下面引用由unclesam2006/05/28 03:27am 發表的內容:
    既使某家人去世, 他們不將允許丟下他們的客戶或在會議遣散。。。
    還, 他們運作基在表現。如果市場下跌, 他們將失去工作無論以前表現是如何好。他 ...

    你誤會 / 混亂 Investment Banking (投資銀行業) 和 Hedge Fund (對沖基金).  

    我有一些大學同學, 甚至中學同學, 和一些親戚在 對沖基金 公司工作.  回家時間最遲是下午 7 點或下午 7 點30 分。

    說一個秘密, 在排行 10 強中。我有 2 個熟悉的朋友為 2 個 10 強 對沖基金 中工作.  哪 2 個 對沖基金? 不方便告訴你哪 2 個。

    因為 對沖基金公司 雇用少過 100 人, 一些 對沖基金 老闆不想雇員太高調.

    但是我能告訴你,我有 1 個朋友曾經在索羅斯(Geroge Soros) 的 Soros Fund Management 工作. 他是藝術家個性, 名校畢業, 不習慣 Soros 公司的 corporate culture, 辭去他的工作.

    unclesam 發表於: 2006/05/28 03:27am
    既使某家人去世, 他們不將允許丟下他們的客戶或在會議遣散。。。

    還, 他們運作基在表現。如果市場下跌, 他們將失去工作無論以前表現是如何好。他們的工作沒有慈悲的概念。。。。

    rainbow 發表於: 2006/05/27 10:33am
    <pre>Simons, Pickens Top $1 Billion for Managing Hedge Funds in 2005
    Last Updated: May 25, 2006 22:59 EDT

    May 26 (Bloomberg) -- James Simons earned an estimated $1.5 billion last year, the most of any hedge-fund manager, followed by Boone Pickens at $1.4 billion, according to Institutional Investor's Alpha magazine.

    The average pay of the top 26 earners rose 45 percent in 2005 to $363 million, the magazine said. Hedge funds returned 9.2 percent last year, double the Standard & Poor's 500 Index and about the same as in 2004, according to Chicago-based Hedge Fund Research.

    ``The founders and owners are taking the lion's share of the profit,'' said Henry Higdon, chairman of Higdon Barrett LLC, a New York-based executive search firm. ``These guys created firms and risked capital, you can't say they don't earn it.''

    Hedge funds, private partnerships that typically require an initial investment of at least $1 million, try to make money whether financial markets rise or fall. While the average fund beat the S&P 500's 4.9 percent return in 2005, the industry continues to lag behind the 16 percent average gains in the 1990s.

    Alpha arrives at the managers' earnings based on estimates of assets under management, fees, returns, personal investments in the funds and ownership stakes in their firms.

    Top hedge-fund managers often earn far more than the best- paid chief executive officers, sports stars and celebrities.

    Henry Paulson, 60, head of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., was the highest paid Wall Street executive last year, earning $38.3 million in salary, stock and options, up 28 percent from a year earlier. Film director George Lucas brought home $290 million last year, and golfer Tiger Woods earned $87 million, according to Forbes magazine.

    The highest paid chief executive in 2005 was Richard Fairbank of Capital One Financial Corp., who earned $249.4 million, according to Forbes.

    Simons, Pickens

    Simons, 68, of Renaissance Technologies Corp., more than doubled the $670 million he earned in 2004, when he ranked second among hedge-fund managers. His $5.3 billion Medallion fund's return after taking 5 percent of the fund's assets and a 44 percent performance fee was 29.5 percent in 2005.

    Pickens, 78, profited from energy investments that boosted his BP Capital Commodity Fund to a sevenfold return and returned 89 percent net for his BP Capital Energy Equity Fund.

    George Soros, 75, was third on Institutional Investor's list with $840 million of income.

    He ranked sixth in the 2004 survey, after taking home $305 million. The Hungarian-born billionaire rose to prominence by betting against the British pound in 1992. Soros's Quantum Endowment Fund climbed 12.3 percent last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    Below is a table of the 10 hedge fund managers with the highest pay, according to Institutional Investor.

    Steven Cohen, 49, retained fourth spot in the magazine's rankings. Cohen, who runs the $8 billion hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors LLC, increased his compensation to $550 million from $450 million in 2004.

    Edward Lampert, a Yale economics graduate, fell to sixth place from first on the magazine's previous list, which put his earnings at $1 billion in 2004. His fund returned 9 percent last year.

    Lampert, 43 orchestrated the merger of Kmart and Sears, ESL's two biggest holdings.

    In January 2003, Lampert was kidnapped outside his office by two armed men and held for 30 hours. He persuaded the kidnappers to let him go with a promise -- never fulfilled -- to pay ransom.

    Bruce Kovner, 61, chairman of Caxton Associates LLC, ranked seventh. His Caxton Global Offshore fund had an 8 percent return. Kovner held the third place spot in 2004 by earning $550 million, according to Institutional Investor.

    1. James Simons      $1.5 billion  Renaissance Technologies

    2. Boone Pickens     $1.4 billion  BP Capital Management

    3. George Soros      $840 million  Soros Fund Management

    4. Steven Cohen      $550 million  SAC Capital Advisors

    5. Paul Tudor Jones  $500 million  Tudor Investment

    6. Edward Lampert    $425 million  ESL Investments

    7. Bruce Kovner      $400 million  Caxton Associates

    8. David Tepper      $400 million  Appaloosa Management

    9. David Shaw        $340 million  D.E. Shaw

    10. Stephen Mandel    $275 million  Lone Pine Capital

    To contact the reporters on this story:
    David Clarke in Edinburgh at  dclarke3@bloomberg.net;
    Katherine Burton in New York at  kburton@bloomberg.net</pre>

    rainbow 發表於: 2006/05/27 10:30am
    我個人認為這些人不值得收取這麼多的錢, 收取很昂貴的費用。



    對沖基金經理平均年薪28億 (港元)
    大公報記者 楊靜雯

    對沖基金經理去年最高薪酬15億美元,廿六名最頂尖的對沖基金經理去年平均薪酬3億6300萬美元(逾28億3千萬港元),較○四年增長五成四。相比之下,華爾街去年薪酬最高的總裁,高盛行政總裁鮑爾森(Henry Paulson)去年薪酬僅3930萬美元。

    根據對沖基金業內雜誌《Alpha》指出,有業內基金經理年薪超逾10億美元。其中,現職文藝復興科技公司(Renaissance Technologies)對沖基金經理西蒙斯(James Simons)去年全年荷包進帳15億美元,膺同業年薪最高的打工皇帝。


    繼西蒙斯之後,有石油大炒家之稱的皮肯斯(Boones Pickens)排行第二,去年年薪14億美元,皮肯斯是對沖基金BP Capital Management創辦人,近年從他所管理的能源商品投資基金,因為期油好倉賺到盤滿鉢滿。至於○四年第一位的國際炒家索羅斯(Geroge Soros),年薪不足10億而屈居第三,去年賺8億4000萬美元。


    其他所謂的打工皇帝年薪跟前三者比較,簡直相差甚遠。就以去年華爾街薪酬最高者為例,高盛行政總裁鮑爾森(Henry Paulson)去年從薪金、股票、期權中所得,雖然較○四年增加28%,但進帳了3830萬美元,連1億美元也不到。又例如,在美國商業雜誌福布斯(Forbes)排行榜中,去年最賺錢的行政總裁,金融服務公司Capital One Financial Corp.掌舵人費爾班克(Richard Fairbank)賺取只有2億4940萬美元。

    名人球星方面,據福布斯雜誌,《星球大戰》系列導演佐治魯卡斯(George Lucas)去年收入2億9000萬美元,美國高爾夫球手活士(Tiger Woods)則賺8700億美元,兩人的年薪都少過對沖基金經理。由此可見,對沖基金經理賺錢能力驚人。去年對沖基金回報率9.2%,相較美國股巿標準普爾500指數只有4.9%,對沖基金的回報多近一倍。

    過去一年,受惠英國及歐洲其他巿場反彈,英國對沖基金巿場獲得急速的增長,但仍未為英國的對沖基金經理年薪躋上較高的名次。從Alpha今次排名中,最高排名的英國對沖基金經理是來自GLG Partners,年薪僅有1億5000萬美元。事實上,這廿多名年薪最高的基金經理,不但顯示其薪酬之高,與此同時,也反映哪些是全球最大的對沖基金。對於對沖基金公司來說,單是花在管理層費用經已為數不菲,所以薪酬的排名直接反映基金及資產基礎的規模。

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