1. keungyee said "這課題的確令人懷疑及反感". At least one pal also thinks in this way -- this article is 令人反感.
2. of course 術數能說及性
3. a. "為何要着重字眼" ? well, in the real world, *many* ppl concerns about the wordings they are using. It represents what they really want to express, and what they want you to know inside, to order to communicate, or persuade you. b. related to previous point. if ppl is using foul languages to aid their expressions, what do u think? Those are only auxilliary words, they will defend in that way!
4. "如果術數能 ... " -- *IF*. See the point below.
5. in the article: " ... 最值得一提的是,根據經驗,凡是有天同、巨門、擎羊這三顆星在疾厄宮的人,極大多數都有很特殊的性癖好,提供給大家作參考。 " You think it's true??? The point mentioned is *highly* credible so that you are convinced it's talking about the truth?
6. a. Everyone has their moral standard (no matter what standard it is) b. Everyone should have their social responsibility. It just happens that mine is different from you, which is pretty obvious.
7. How about we leave this to 緣生 to judge. This is his website anyway. He definitely has the right to have what kind of image he wants his website processes.
8. I know 緣生 is an expert in 紫微斗數. How about we ask him to judge the correctness of the controversal article here?