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主題標題: [建議]開設專區討論水晶保養
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    文章一覽:[建議]開設專區討論水晶保養 (新回覆在最前面)  [列出前 6 個回覆]
    Luvtoshop 發表於: 2005/03/16 11:11pm

    下面引用由cinberry002005/03/16 04:05pm 發表的內容:
    Dear Ms. Luvtoshop,
    it doesn't matter at all...
    it's good of you to offer advice here...^^
    as soon as u've got any ideas, feel free to say~

    Hi Cinberry00

    I'm feeling alot better today.  Thanks for your concern.
    Yes, it is costly to send messages here, and I'm poor (as you can see).  Ha ha!!

    This is a great web site, people are friendly.

    Thanks again and take care!

    cinberry00 發表於: 2005/03/16 04:05pm

    下面引用由Luvtoshop2005/03/16 03:40pm 發表的內容:

    I jus msg you.  Did you get it?  Sorry I was confused earlier.

    Dear Ms. Luvtoshop,

    it doesn't matter at all...
    it's good of you to offer advice here...^^
    as soon as u've got any ideas, feel free to say~
    the only thing i worry is that
    u think i didn't reply you
    i always reply to the first msg and then the second...
    (and the 2nd msg is written by you, so i answered u later )
    i was typing, actually...

    are u okay, madam?
    it seems that u're not quite happy today...
    hope you are feeling better in this interesting website...huh?

    by the way, it's too costly for u  to sms me once and again
    (it costs 10 dollars each , rite?)
    so feel free to write here~^^

    Wish you the best,
    Luvtoshop 發表於: 2005/03/16 03:40pm
    [這篇文章最後由Luvtoshop在 2005/03/16 03:53pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由cinberry002005/03/16 03:15pm 發表的內容:
    huhh...so much thanks for Ms.Luvtoshop...
    i'm a hongkong guy,too...so i understand your advice :)
    but in my opinion. a better job has been done by taiwan
    since they've got more stores

    You're welcome.  
    I just msg you.  Did you get it?  Sorry I misread your subject line earlier.  
    cinberry00 發表於: 2005/03/16 03:15pm

    下面引用由Luvtoshop2005/03/16 05:15am 發表的內容:
    I clean my 水晶 with mineral water (the one and only thing I know   ).  If you live in Hong Kong, there are alot of 水晶 stores you can check out.  The people who work there might be able to help  ...

    huhh...so much thanks for Ms.Luvtoshop...
    i'm a hongkong guy,too...so i understand your advice :)
    but in my opinion. a better job has been done by taiwan
    since they've got more stores
    and even professional institutions to distinguish the crystals...

    To take care of crystals, you may think of such complicated things:
    ways to clean a crystal(sunlight, moonlight, mineral water ,etc);
    and individual functions offered by numerous types of crystals ;
    how to identify the true or false crystals;
    how to choose the best-quality crystal and
    how to buy them at most reasonable price,etc...

    That's why i think the study of crystals is great enough to start a forum...
    Once if the idea becomes a success,
    pls go and have your say, Ms.Luvtoshop?
    cinberry00 發表於: 2005/03/16 02:48pm

    下面引用由Joe2005/03/16 01:28am 發表的內容:


    Luvtoshop 發表於: 2005/03/16 05:15am
    [這篇文章最後由Luvtoshop在 2005/03/16 02:58pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由cinberry002005/03/15 11:33pm 發表的內容:

    對不起.  回覆錯了.  
    fate0816 發表於: 2005/03/16 04:12am
    都好些關係 ~

    我聽過有d 師傳做風水時會叫戶主擺水晶
    Joe 發表於: 2005/03/16 01:28am
    cinberry00 發表於: 2005/03/15 11:33pm

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