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-- 作者: doomsday 推 背 圖 第四十二象 乙巳
-- 作者: doomsday "發現或在卯年",會是指2011年?大家有何見解?
-- 作者: 還看今朝 到了近代的推算,我個人覺得金聖嘆的注已只能參考了....因為佢亦未見過飛機大炮,很多有關近代的現象在他的年代是想像不到的。 一點個人意見。
-- 作者: jennifer Could it be Hillary Clinton (US)?
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/10/15 03:32pm 第 2 次編輯] OMG! Hilary Clinton will be a bad President for the U.S. I will NEVER vote for this habitual liar and incompetent dumba$$. She voted "Yes" for war with Iraq, but NEVER apologize for her stupid decision. She made a total mess when she tried to make Healthcare reform under her husband's presidency, she NEVER apologize or admit that she was stupid. She just called it "a learning experience". At her age, "Learning Experience" = Too dumb to realize her inability to function as an effective leader.
-- 作者: jennifer exactly. that's why she can potentially create a big mess in the world if she is elected.
-- 作者: gcdy
-- 作者: rainbow
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]jennifer[/u]在 [i]2007/12/13 01:27pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] So far, it looks like Hilary Clinton is going to lose the nomination. Lots of factors are against her. BTW, I specifically left work early and voted for Barack Obama in my state's primary election.
-- 作者: doomsday i like obama too!!
-- 作者: rainbow
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]doomsday[/u]在 [i]2008/02/23 10:41pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Hilary was too proud and too conceited in the beginning. I am glad to see her losing voters. Looking forward to the primaries on March 4 in Texas and Ohio.
【綜合報道】美國民主黨總統參選人希拉莉(Hillary Clinton)陣營公布的一份最新內部財政報告顯示,她的陣營上月單是艾奧瓦州初選的食物開支已燒掉約9.88萬美元,另外又租用豪華酒店及高薪聘請顧問,被指揮霍無度,導致希拉莉陣營慘受財政問題影響,間接讓奧巴馬迎頭趕上。