- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: GoGoCat Hi, I'm a female which born at 1973. I would like to use "觀" to ask my love fate. Currently I don't have any boy friend. Can anyone please help? I will be really appericate. By the way, I can't keep in Chinese but I can read Chinese. Thank you vey much!!!
-- 作者: David
我不懂得測字喔,不過英文windows xp是可以外卦一套中文輸入 另外,祝妳早日成功覓得如意郎^^
-- 作者: GoGoCat Hi, David Thank you for your blessing. The most horrible thing is I don't know Chinese key in method. I used to be using Chinese pen to key in Chinese. However, I can't find the software after I swith to this new PC. Anyway, I will try to find it and hopefully I can key in Chinese soon. :em05:
-- 作者: 心易先天數
觀者 風地觀卦.你在走馬看花.對男生只有印象沒有試著去交往所造成的
-- 作者: GoGoCat
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]心易先天數[/u]在 [i]2004/10/27 07:02pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Thank you! Basically, that's my attitude. I like to develop relationship slowly and I feel so asham to tell the guy I like that I'm intereted to him. Should I be more aggressive? Because it seems like that's no guy intereted with me and try to apporach me at all. :em26:
-- 作者: 心易先天數
-- 作者: GoGoCat
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]心易先天數[/u]在 [i]2004/10/28 03:02pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Do u mean that I have to change my attitude and become more friendly???
-- 作者: 心易先天數 我說的是一個方向.問題你要小心觀察一個人是否真心.不要迷失才能有好的結果
-- 作者: GoGoCat 可否請問我應注意些甚麽呢? :em31: 在感情上我是那種苯得很的人。 還有,我現往在美國,但在考慮搬回香港。可否請幫忙測一"同"字看是否合適。謝謝! :em05:
-- 作者: 心易先天數 首先你注意男生與你說話時眼神的飄移.喜歡請你唱歌跳舞.這種就是純玩樂的心態 回港居住.這個字是--同而不化 也就是目前還不適合2006年立冬後較佳.
-- 作者: GoGoCat 明白了。謝謝!!!