- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: ppp1973
-- 作者: ppp1973 Anyone help me 解夢 ?
-- 作者: 心易先天數
-- 作者: ppp1973 My father work on this field for more than 30 years la.. Maybe 上司的刁難.壓力等問題 la... But how is the relationship between my father job and me ? Please help to explain in more details. Thanks a lot !!!!
-- 作者: 心易先天數
-- 作者: ppp1973 Dear 心易版主, My father is not the 經濟的來源 Thanks a lot.
-- 作者: 心易先天數
-- 作者: ppp1973 Money usage is increased But recently my boss's mother just died. Any relation ?
-- 作者: 心易先天數 如果你的支出只是固定的生活花費的話.會增加的問題是通貨膨脹所造成.在人心惶惶與預期心理下.你的老闆心情也會不好.所以你算是被間接影響的
-- 作者: ppp1973 Thank you for your analyze !