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---- Making your own cheese at home (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=30&topic=512)

-- 作者: 朱東東
-- 發表時間: 2007/07/24 00:41am

This is a special kind of cheese called "Paneer" which is made by me at home.  In the wikipedia, there is information about this kind of cheese. The link is as follows.


The following site also contains the instructions of making panner and a lot of good and simple recipes for vegetarian diet. If you are interested, please have a look at it.


-- 作者: 朱東東
-- 發表時間: 2007/07/24 02:45pm

I have prepared the Peas and Cheese in Tomato Sauce according to the recipe from the site.  The taste is really traditional and refreshing.[UploadFile=P1000304_1185259494.jpg]

-- 作者: 緣生
-- 發表時間: 2007/07/24 02:50pm

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]朱東東[/u]在 [i]2007/07/24 02:45pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
I have prepared the Peas and Cheese in Tomato Sauce according to the recipe from the site.  The taste is really traditional and refreshing.

嘩~~~好像很吸引啊~~~~~~ :em02:

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