- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: mccann
電影預告片曝光 主角一一登場 94-12-19 「達文西密碼」目前全球銷售量打破美國小說銷售紀錄,上市後第一周就登上「紐約時報」暢銷書排行榜第一名。目前已經在榜上超過一百周,譯成四十種以上語言,在台灣更是狂賣八十萬冊。 故事從哈佛大學宗教符號學教授羅柏蘭登到巴黎出差,卻無端捲入羅浮宮館長的謀殺案。館長的屍體旁留下難以理解的符號,蘭登與法國美女密碼專家蘇菲納佛在密碼的帶領下,驚訝地發現在達文西的曠世巨作蒙娜麗莎的微笑中,竟然藏了一個天大的秘密,一個足以撼動西方文明的秘密……。 電影版「達文西密碼」網羅美法重量級的演員,由湯姆漢克飾演哈佛教授,「艾蜜莉的異想世界」奧黛莉杜朵飾演法國美女蘇菲;另外還有「終極追殺令」的尚雷諾,「魔界三部曲」的伊恩麥克連,以及「蜘蛛人 2 」的艾佛蒙利納,加上奧斯卡金像獎導演朗霍華,幕前幕後卡司堅強。電影從宣布開拍就受到眾人的矚目,羅浮宮更答應出借場地拍攝。
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/12/19 01:09pm 第 1 次編輯] 我喜歡法國女演員 Audrey Tautou (奧黛莉•竇度), 我看了她一些法國電影, 法國好像定型她為傻女孩, 幾乎所有法國電影都演傻乎乎, 怪怪的女孩。 但是她能演其他角色,在英語電影「Dirty Pretty Things」她扮演來自土耳其的年輕女非法移民, 在倫敦黑市秘密世界設法存活。 Tom Hanks (湯姆·漢克斯) 非常好的男演員。
-- 作者: hehehaha 我看過這部電影的中文小說,的的確確很有扣人心弦的節奏,應該是好片!
-- 作者: 戰神 拍成電影, 不知效果如何, 有機會要看一看
-- 作者: rainbow <pre>這是 [ 達文西密碼 ] 電影上的一些趣聞, 感謝天, 幸好, 大導演 Ron Howard 有骨氣拒絕法國總統. 法國總統 Jacques Chirac 沒有成功 "隻手遮天". </pre> 希拉克干預巨片選角 【本報訊】電影《達文西密碼》(The Da Vinci Code)開拍在即,竟爆出法國總統干預電影業的風波。法國總統希拉克去年邀請金像大導演朗侯活和監製基沙飲咖啡,疑力薦女兒好友、著名影星蘇菲瑪素擔任《達文西密碼》的女主角,又要求增加演員尚連奴的片酬。兩名電影人不賣帳,繼續沿用《天使愛美麗》女主角柯德莉塔圖擔綱演出,男主角則由湯漢斯擔任。 撐女兒好友演《達文西密碼》 導演認為這些提議十分「滑稽」。雖然導演不願透露法國總統推薦了誰,但媒體猜測她是希拉克的支持者、三十九歲著名影星蘇菲瑪素,她在○二年大選時忠實地擁護希拉克競選總統。總統辦公室發言人證實希拉克與兩人會面,但否認曾影響選角和增加尚連奴的片酬。 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-1961626,00.html <pre>The Times The President also requested a bigger fee for Jean Reno, the French actor who is cast as the stubborn Gallic detective Bezu Fache in the film, according to Ron Howard, the director. “That was hilarious,” Mr Howard said. “Fortunately, the deal was already closed.” The $125 million film version of Dan Brown’s novel, which has sold 25 million copies worldwide, opens in May with Tom Hanks playing the Harvard symbology professor at the heart of the intrigue. Alongside him, in the part of the young cryptologist Sophie Neveu, is the 27-year-old French actress Audrey Tautou. Tautou is known to have beaten at least a dozen other French actresses to the coveted role in what is likely to be one of next year’s biggest movies. Mr Howard told Newsweek magazine that she had also defied the President, who wanted a family friend to play Neveu. Mr Howard did not reveal the name of the actress touted by the French head of state. However, a French film industry source said that it was rumoured to be Sophie Marceau, 39, who was on the shortlist for The Da Vinci Code. Although Marceau was on friendly terms with François Mitterrand, the late French Socialist President, who was said to have been besotted with her, she has since become close to M Chirac and his daughter, Claude, who acts as his communications manager. Marceau remained loyal to M Chirac during the 2002 presidential election when a host of glamorous actresses, such as Elsa Zylberstein and Virginie Ledoyen, who both also auditioned for The Da Vinci Code, backed his opponent, Lionel Jospin. The President intervened when Mr Howard and Brian Grazer, the producer, visited Paris a year ago to seek authorisation to shoot scenes in the Louvre museum. They were summoned to the Elysée Palace. “We thought it was going to be a five-minute thing, like a trip to the Oval Office, a photo and a handshake,” Mr Grazer said. But they had coffee and an hour-long chat, during which M Chirac said that he would use his influence to ensure a smooth shoot at the Louvre. Then he plugged the name of the actress who he thought should play Neveu and “halfseriously” suggested a pay rise for Reno. On both counts he failed, according to Libération newspaper, which treated the story as further evidence of the President’s notorious and often misplaced willingness to help friends. “Chirac’s pulling strings in the cinema,” it said. “Unfortunately for him, Audrey Tautou was chosen.” Under the headline “Chirac, Veni, Vidi, Da Vinci”, the satirical weekly Le Canard Enchaîné said that the President had been rebuffed by the film makers, just as he had been rejected by the French electorate over the referendum on the European constitution. A spokesman for the President confirmed that a meeting with Mr Howard and Mr Grazer had taken place, but denied that M Chirac had tried to influence the casting or Reno’s salary.