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-- 作者: unclesam
[這篇文章最後由無尾蜂在 2006/03/07 03:50am 第 1 次編輯] 想看片段請往 http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=31&topic=353&show=0
-- 作者: tkm
2006年03月06日 睇完《斷背山》感覺良多,暫且押後《滑雪旅》,好好斷背一番。今年奧斯卡《斷背山》大戰《慕尼黑》,李安大戰史匹堡,個人好恨睇《慕尼黑》,至於《斷背山》,如果唔係搞到咁大陣仗,好似唔睇就Out爆咁,未必好有慾望入場睇兩個到李家鼎咁款牛仔此情不渝,海枯石爛。 《斷背山》好睇,最大歸功於李安導演係一個唐人鬼佬,有唐人的靈魂,又對鬼佬文化有清晰了解,有別於其他華籍黃皮黃心外勞導演,唔會淨係識拍動感電影,在《Senseand Sensibility》一役中李安導演跟出名有內涵的文學演員Emma Thompson合作愉快,在圈中早已聲名大噪,及至《臥虎藏龍》名利雙收。有緣在午餐聚會時遇到鄒文懷先生,大家討論《臥》片贏盡中西的原因,「劇本好」、「演員做得好」、「章子怡夠姣」、「動作設計得好」、「夠噱頭」,鄒文懷先生聽完大家搶答之後,呷一口茶然後帶微笑地說:「導演好,因為李安導演真係識西片,任你齣戲拍得再好,但如果刀叉碗碟擺得唔,西人莫講話幫襯,根本就睇唔起,正如你開間餐館,就算煮到天花龍鳳,點好味都好,Setting唔o岩,Table Manner唔o岩,西人就睇唔起,睇唔起就唔會埋[img]http://appledaily.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/FBAA.gif[/img],唔埋[img]http://appledaily.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/FBAA.gif[/img]就唔會起筷,唔起筷就即係唔會幫襯。」大家聽到點晒頭,我幾乎[img]http://appledaily.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/FB76.gif[/img]紙筆出o黎抄低,鄒先生再呷一口茶:「不過知都係得個知字,因為呢樣o野冇得學,係個人修為,係就係,唔係就唔係,冇得夾硬。」 鄒文懷先生呢番說話咪就係經驗累積與智慧,咪就係袋錢入我袋。 谷德昭
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/03/06 02:43pm 第 1 次編輯] I like Zhang Yimou's older movies, such as "Ju Dou", "Raising the Red Lantern" etc. At that time, he wasn't trying hard to please westerners. In my opinion, "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers" were lame. The more recent movies were too pretentious, laden with special effects and not much else. I read on the internet blog that some audiences in American theaters were laughing very hard at the last scene of "House of Flying Daggers" -- when Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro were fighting and killing each other, with Zhang Ziyi dying in the background. That fight scene, to westerners, seemed too supernatural and hilarious. Likewise, "Hero" used old tricks, imitating the Japanese movie "Roshomon". Also, I don't think Chen Kaige's older movie, "Farewell My Concubine" was made with westerners in mind. It is precisely because the older movies (by Zhang and Chen) were NOT made with westerners in mind, that they come out real and memorable. By the way, Ang Lee has lived in America for almost 30 years. He studied Film at New York University. He has a better grasp of Western culture as well as Chinese culture than Asia-bound movie directors. I think Asian movie directors should make movies to please themselves, to come from the heart (rather than saying, "This better gets Oscar attention). When Ang Lee made "Brokeback Mountain", he was at a very low point in his career. His previous movie "Green Hulk" was a box office loser, and got very awful movie critic reviews. He made "Brokeback" and thought this would only please the Arthouse movie audiences. He did not expect this movie to go mainstream and be nominated by the Oscar. Precisely because Ang Lee was not pretentious when he made "Brokeback", he made it from his heart (rather than worrying about commerical success, box office winner etc) that it came out as a thought-provoking and memorable movie.