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-- 作者: 水木
-- 發表時間: 2004/09/24 04:05pm

衝靈劍法 GG and MM 's soul sword (GG和MM的靈魂之劍 ,聽起來好像很熟悉 )

九陽神功 nine man's power (九個男子的力量)

九陰真經 nine woman'story (九個女人的故事)

九陰白骨爪 nine woman catch a white bone

神照經 god bless you (神保佑你,我還天國已近勒)

胡家刀法 Dr.hu'sword (胡博士的劍,天哪 咱們的胡兄何時成了博士)

兩儀劍法 1/2 sword
(二分之一的劍,挖勒 請問是左右二分之一還是上下二分之一阿)

一陽指 one finger just like a pen is (一隻手指像筆一樣?? 還真不是蓋的)

洗髓經 wash bone (洗骨頭?? 誰敢去給別人洗骨頭阿)

苗家刀法 maio's sword (苗家的刀 好啦算你對)

易筋經 change your bone (換你的骨頭.老兄算你狠)

龍象波若功 D and E comble togeter (龍和象的混合體???)

梯雲縱心法 elevator jump
(電梯跳躍???? 在天雷的打擊下,電梯產生異變,於是電梯有了生命........)

輕功水上飄 flying skill (飛行技能 ,好簡潔)

小無相功 a unseen power (一種看不見的力量???,原力.....)

太玄經 all fool's daliy (全是胡言亂語的日記,還真是玄哪)

胡青牛醫書 buffulo hu's medicine book(水牛胡的醫書,原來青牛又叫水牛阿)

五毒秘傳 the experience of eat drink **** bet and smoke

藥王神篇 king of drag(搖頭之王,武俠也有搖頭的阿)

七傷拳 7hurted organ (被傷害的七個器官,有點道理)

吸星大法 suck star over china(吸取全中國的星星,好神阿)

天山六陽掌 6 men of mountain sky's press

黯然銷魂掌 Deepblue press(深深憂鬱的掌法,對對對,有憂鬱症的都使的出來)

松風劍法 softwind sword(軟風劍,這還有點像樣)

回風落雁劍法 comeback sword(喝了再上劍,在拍廣告嗎?)

血刀經 blood strike(cs 的場地都用上啦)

金剛伏魔圈 superman's cover(超人的保護,老外看了還以為超人會出現呢)

八荒六合唯我獨尊功 my name is NO.1(我的名字叫第一,無言......)

含沙射影 shoot you with a machine gun(用機關槍射你,這樣對嗎??)

葵花寶典 sunflower bible /from gentlenan to a lady
(太陽花的聖經,可讓你從紳士變淑女,歐 變性者的一大福音阿)

打狗棒法 guide of dog beating(打狗指南,這...哪裡有賣阿)

白虹劍 rainbow of milk(牛奶的彩虹,怪怪的)


飛龍在天 fiying in the sky(飛在天上,阿是大衛嗎??大衛出現了嗎?)

見龍在田 i see you on the firm(我在田中看見你摟,是在玩捉迷藏嗎??)

鴻漸於陵 D day(諾曼地大空降,華視莒光日特別節目........ )

潛龍勿用 don't bother me while i am sleeping

突如其來 an accident(一場意外,這事先道歉也太快了吧)

震驚百里 bang(迸 ,炸彈爆炸了,是八寶大華輪......)

時乘六龍 i have 6BMW(我有六台BMW,這是吹噓家財還是武功阿)

密雲不雨 have girlfriend without wife (有女朋友沒老婆,這個意境真妙,請自己體悟吧)

履霜冰至 SARS is comeing(天阿,原來武俠世界中已經有SARS啦)

魚躍於淵 fish also can fly(魚原來也可以飛,)

損則育予 you lost (你輸了)


-- 作者: 水木
-- 發表時間: 2004/09/24 04:10pm

[b]6.5 stick method[/b]

-- 作者: nanalam
-- 發表時間: 2004/09/25 08:17pm

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]水木[/u]在 [i]2004/09/24 04:10pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
6.5 stick method

娜娜狗尾續貂,大致跟番轉貼上文風格, 相信楊過.「黯然銷魂掌」的一十七路掌法(心驚肉跳、杞人憂天、無中生有、拖泥帶水、徘徊空谷、力不從心、行屍走肉、倒行逆施、廢寢忘食、孤形隻影、飲恨吞聲、六神不安、窮途末路、面無人色、想入非非、呆若木雞、神不守舍(或魂不守舍)、若有所失)的譯文如下:

心驚肉跳~~Heart Fearing Flesh Jumping

杞人憂天~~ G Man Worrying about Sky

無中生有~~Something comes from Nothing

拖泥帶水~~Dragging mud & water

徘徊空谷~~Lingering in Vacant Valley

力不從心~~Power weaker than Will

行屍走肉~~The Walking Dead

倒行逆施~~Walk backwards and Act Counterwise

廢寢忘食~~Skipping Sleep Forgetting Meal

孤形隻影~~Lonely Me

飲恨吞聲~~Drinking Bitterness Swallowing Words

六神不安~~Six Senses all Upset

窮途末路~~Being Cornered

面無人色~~Looking like Hell

想入非非~~Thinking Improperly

呆若木雞~~Stupified like a Wooden Chick

神不守舍(或魂不守舍)Spirit not At Home

若有所失~~Like losing something
:em24:  :em24:  :em24:

-- 作者: 天風影
-- 發表時間: 2004/10/12 02:46am

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]水木[/u]在 [i]2004/09/24 04:05pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
衝靈劍法 GG and MM 's soul sword (GG和MM的靈魂之劍 ,聽起來好像很.....

一陽指 one finger just like a pen is (一隻手指像筆一樣?? 還真不是蓋的)

This reminds me of another pen joke from my co-workers.....

[quote]A co-worker got a pen stuck inside the printer. He started to try
and remove the pen, but I told him we don't have time for that now,
just put a note on the printer telling folks not to use it and then
report it to the Help Desk. So he grabbed a piece of paper and scrawled
on it.
I left; he finished the note. About 20 minutes later, one of my techs
comes in laughing and says he was just in the lobby, saw a piece of
paper on a printer and went to investigate. Attached is what he found.

Sometimes things don't always come out the way you want them to!!




一陽指 one finger just like a pen is ......... :em29:

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