- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/12/10 11:33am 第 2 次編輯] <pre>What a disgrace! Ha Ha, 真丟臉! :em52: 可能日本人吃太多漢堡包, Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks 咖啡, Häagen-Dazs 冰淇淋 :em50: :em22: , 養成肥手指 (Fat Finger Syndrome). :em02: :em51: :em22:
【編譯湯淑君/綜合東京九日電】一筆股票交易賣單因電腦輸入錯誤,不但把東京證券交易所搞得天翻地覆,也可能造成日本大型金融業者瑞穗集團的證券部門損失多達2.5億美元。8日受驚重挫301點的日經指數,9日強勁反彈,投資人紛紛買回前一日拋售的證券與銀行類股。 日經225種指數9日在日興證券等銀行證券類股領軍下攀升220.69點,以15,404.05點收盤,扳回8日下跌的大部分點數。日興證券某主管說:「昨日的重挫有助於袪除股市近來可能過熱的憂慮,使買盤願意繼續進場。」 下錯單事件發生在8日,也就是人才招募公司J-Com股票在東京證交所交易首日。J-Com股票由瑞穗金融集團旗下的瑞穗證券協助承銷。 瑞穗證券8日晚間舉行記者會表示,8日一大早,瑞穗證券的營業員原本要以61萬日圓(5,043美元)的價格代客戶賣出1股J-Com股票,但賣單卻輸入錯誤,誤植為以1日圓賣出61萬股。以J-Com首次公開發行股票(IPO)的掛牌價計算,這筆交易價值31億美元。而據業界人士估計,這起錯誤可能造成逾300億日圓的損失。 [b]這筆烏龍交易賣出的股數龐大,比J-Com發行在外的股數多出42倍,導致這家小公司的股價8日早上9時30分暴跌15%(跌停板),跌到每股57.2萬日圓[/b]。彭博資訊系統顯示,到9時38分時,J-Com股票已成交60萬7,957股;到下午3時收盤,該股累計成交量已達70萬8,124股。J-Com股票9日暫停交易。 瑞穗證券社長福田真在記者會上表示,[b]下單後一分半鐘就發現有誤,並曾四度設法取消交易,但遭東京證交所拒絕[/b]。瑞穗證券說,瑞穗的訂單處理系統軟體有瑕疵,加上東京證交所的系統沒能遏止這筆異常交易,以致烏龍賣單被放行。一個半小時後,瑞穗證券只得開始買回股票。 瑞穗證券說,誤賣出的61萬股J-Com股票,已買回其中的絕大多數,但未透露還必須買回多少股。 福田真估計,這起事件至少可能造成270億日圓(2億2,320萬美元)的損失,但據估計實際損失可能超過300億日圓。他為此事造成的混亂向投資大眾、發行公司及其他受影響的人士致歉,但強調瑞穗財力雄厚,自行吸收全部的損失「不成問題」。 【編譯廖玉玲/綜合東京9日電】[b]日本股市發生金額龐大的下錯單事件,引發金融界檢討與譴責,日本經濟新聞9日直指瑞穗證券內部監督不足,是引發這起烏龍事件的主因。 [/b] [b]瑞穗證券自2000年10月成立後,拓展的速度飛快,但監督機制卻未跟上成長腳步[/n]。該公司目前在東京證交所的交易量占整個交易所的3%左右,但2000年會計年度下半年時還不到1%。瑞穗證券約有1,500名員工,每年又增聘約200名。 瑞穗證券一名資深幹部表示,各分部負責人都得到充分授權,可自行聘用以及訓練員工。然而員工不熟悉交易系統和溝通管道,所以才發生這起嚴重疏失。 日本證券經濟研究所資深經濟學家佐賀認為,東京證交所也難辭其咎。導致下錯單的具體原因仍不明朗,但市場人士指出,交易員對交易系統與通訊頻道不熟悉,也是錯誤的原因。佐賀說,證交所發現不正常狀況時,至少應該要立即暫停、甚至取消J-Com股票的交易。 日本首相小泉純一郎則表示,主管當局需制定相關措施,以防止類似事件再度發生。
-- 作者: 無尾蜂
-- 作者: rainbow
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]無尾蜂[/u]在 [i]2005/12/11 00:29am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Yeah, 日本人該死. :em42: :em43: 可惡的日本首相 小泉純一郎 不斷拜訪 Yasukuni Shrine, 認為在南京屠殺中國人的日本軍人是戰爭英雄. 報應! :em01: :em44: :em22:
-- 作者: rainbow
<pre>打錯字賣錯股 慘賠2億 【本報綜合報導】倫敦泰晤士報9日報導,日本瑞穗證券公司一名交易員打字技術太遜,8日因打字錯誤,多賣掉60萬股股票,害公司損失270億日圓(約2億2380萬美元)。 瑞穗證券一名交易員犯了金融圈所謂的「胖手指症候群」 :em50: :em50: :em50: ,把錯誤的資料輸入電腦。他原本要以60萬日圓(4970美元)賣出一股J Com電信公司股票,但這位老兄把這筆交易打成以1日圓賣出60萬股J Com股票。 單是這個錯誤就夠要命,更糟的是60萬股是J Com公司發行股數的四十多倍,這個巨大的差距實際上造成短缺價值約3375億日圓(約27億9757萬美元)的股票。 [b][color=red]儘管瑞穗試圖彌補錯誤,但一些專家估計,該公司的財務損失可能達六百億日圓(約4億9734萬美元) :em44: 。這個數字已足以造成瑞穗證券財務不穩 :em44: 。瑞穗證券是全球四大金融集團之一瑞穗金融集團旗下的證券公司。[/b][/color] 瑞穗表示將和東京證交所商量如何善後。瑞穗有機會說服證交所取消這筆交易。
-- 作者: 無尾蜂
[這篇文章最後由無尾蜂在 2005/12/11 01:03am 第 1 次編輯] 嗯~ Bee 本來也想說: 很對的 ~ 如果賣錯估票的人是小泉多好~
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/01/14 00:42pm 第 2 次編輯] 60 年一個週期, 報應啊! :em48: 上一次, 偷襲 Pearl Harbor (珍珠港口), 被美國還擊轟炸日本廣島 :em43: . 南京大屠殺, 日本首相 小泉純一郎 不知錯 :em42: , 還不斷拜訪 Yasukuni Shrine, 把 日本屠夫劊子手視為 戰爭英雄. :em43: 現在,日本面對一個很多年沒有遇上的大雪, 大風暴。 :em55: :em55: 加上 3 個嚴重的金融錯誤. :em01: :em01: </pre> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 【星島網訊】日本金融市場再傳自擺烏龍事件,大和證券(SMBC)13日上午賣出[b][color=red]三井住友[u]海上火災保險[/u][/b][/color]的股票時,下單失誤賣成[b][color=blue]三井住友[u]金融集團[/u][/b][/color]的股票,錯送的訂單數量高達2.5萬股,造成約五億日元的損失。 大和證券的員工在上午向東京證交所下單,錯誤賣出股票,[b]雖然在五分鐘之內就馬上發現錯誤,連忙取消交易,[u]但是為時已晚,已經有超過半數的股票賣出,大和證券不得不出面全數買回,一來一往間的損失高達五億日元[/u]。[/b] [size=5][b]大和證券表示,營業員把股名的編號搞錯,[u]電腦雖然發現訂單的股數過多而曾發出警訊[/u],但是營業員沒有注意到而直接下單,結果賣錯2.5萬股。[/size][/b] 日本證券公司最近頻頻傳出下錯單的意外,也引發是否要重新檢討證券公司下單流程,以及員工再教育的必要性。 [size=5][b]日本自從2005年12月發生瑞穗證券下單失誤,電腦輸入時將股數和股價搞錯,造成407億日元的嚴重損失;一月日興CITY集團證券也在個人交易時,將交易的股數搞錯,兩次教訓還讓投資人記憶猶新,卻又再度發生類似的烏龍事件[/size][/b]。但股市並沒有受到影響,依舊收高來到16454.95點。 針對這一連串的股市交易重大缺失,金融廳已下令要求全國所有證券公司要再加強審視檢查作業的流程。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200601140155.html <pre>Error costs Daiwa SMBC 500 million yen The Asahi Shimbun [b]Daiwa Securities SMBC Co. said it incurred a loss of 500 million yen on Friday because of a sell order mistake, the third securities house blunder in less than two months. [/b] The brokerage placed a sell order for 25,000 shares of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. worth a little less than 30 billion yen. It had intended to sell shares in Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co. for a corporate customer. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the unit of Daiwa Securities Group Inc. had to buy shares on the open market to cover the sale. The spate of mistakes is expected to call the trading management systems at brokerage houses into question. A Daiwa Securities SMBC employee, in charge of sales for institutional investors, received a sell order for shares of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance. The employee miswrote the name as SMFG on the order form and handed it to another employee in charge of placing orders. [b]When an order is placed for more than 1,000 units, an alert is displayed, but the employee ignored the warning. [/b] Minimum trading units differ among listed companies. In the case of SMFG, investors can buy a single share. [b]At Daiwa Securities SMBC, employees usually consult their supervisor when an alert appears. An official at Daiwa Securities Group told reporters that the supervisor was directly handling the mistaken order and ignored the warning. The official also said the supervisor was in a hurry because the order came just before the market opened. [/b] It was placed at 8:59 a.m., one minute before TSE trading began. At 9:05 a.m., the brokerage tried to cancel the order, but it was already being executed and 13,417 shares had been purchased. Daiwa Securities SMBC immediately bought most of the shares needed to fill the sell order. On Friday, SMFG shares, which started at 1.13 million yen, down 40,000 yen from Thursday's close, fell to 1.12 million yen at one point, but closed at 1.18 million yen. The sell orders, without a specified price, were executed mostly at 1.13 million yen. [b]In December, Mizuho Securities Co. made an erroneous order that cost the brokerage 40.7 billion yen. On Jan. 4, Nikko Citigroup Ltd. also placed a mistaken order that proved costly.[/b](IHT/Asahi: January 14,2006) </pre>
-- 作者: Lemon
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/01/14 01:22pm 第 1 次編輯] 有 康師傅 ma! :em01: :em01: Ha Ha ! 我喜歡 韓國 辛辣麵 :em50: :em50: :em50: :em50: :em50: :em50: :em50: :em50:
-- 作者: Lemon
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]rainbow[/u]在 [i]2006/01/14 01:21pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 康師傅<< 未試過播.
-- 作者: mms
-- 作者: unclesam
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]無尾蜂[/u]在 [i]2005/12/11 00:29am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] hahaha :em03: almost... UBS would return the profit.... what an ibank... UBS Won't Keep Gains From Mizuho's $342 Million Error Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- UBS AG, which made the largest gain from a trading error that cost Japan's Mizuho Securities Co. 40.5 billion yen ($342 million), said it will give up the profit. ``UBS is pursuing discussions with interested parties to bring about an appropriate and timely resolution of the issue,'' UBS said in a statement today. It didn't say if it would return the money to Tokyo-based Mizuho, a unit of Japan's No. 2 bank. UBS, Europe's largest bank by market value, made about 11.8 billion yen after Mizuho Securities mistakenly tried to sell 610,000 shares in J-Com Co.'s Dec. 8 debut for as little as 1 yen apiece. Nikko Citigroup Ltd. and Credit Suisse First Boston were among other brokerages that gained. ``Brokerages don't come out looking good by bidding for shares they know don't exist,'' Japan's Minister for Financial Services Kaoru Yosano said yesterday. ``Brokerages should operate in an ethical manner.'' Mizuho Securities, a unit of Japan's second-largest bank, had to pay UBS, Nikko Citigroup and other brokers that agreed to buy the shares 40.5 billion yen to cancel the trade. Japan Securities Clearing Corp. ordered Mizuho to pay 912,000 yen for each share it offered to sell. UBS, Dentsu UBS earned the most from the error, according to Ministry of Finance filings. The bank bought 32,198 shares, spending 19.55 billion yen. Mizuho had to pay 29.4 billion yen to settle that trade. In addition, UBS Securities Japan Ltd. bought 6,000 shares for 3.56 billion yen. The cost to Mizuho for canceling that trade was 5.47 billion yen. The one-day gain by UBS would be more than double what its Japan unit made on trading over the past three years combined, according to company filings. UBS' Japanese unit lost 16.2 billion yen four years ago after it made a similar trading blunder on the initial public offering of Dentsu Inc. In 2001, UBS mistakenly sold 610,000 shares in Dentsu, Japan's biggest advertising company, for 16 yen apiece on the first day of trading. The bank had helped sell the shares at 420,000 yen in the IPO. UBS had intended to sell 16 Dentsu shares. Mizuho's trader had meant to sell 1 share in J-Com, which has just 14,500 shares outstanding. J-Com's shares dropped to 572,000 yen from the 672,000 yen opening price after the erroneous sell order on their first day of trading, the maximum decline allowed. The stock then jumped to 772,000 yen, gaining the maximum permitted, as Mizuho tried to buy back shares it had mistakenly agreed to sell. Nikko, IPO J-Com shares jumped by the permitted 100,000 yen limit to 1.02 million yen today as trading resumed. The Tokyo exchange had set the starting price at the 912,000 yen Mizuho had to pay to cancel its trades. There were 215 shares traded, compared with 708,124 on the Dec. 8 debut. Nikko Citigroup agreed to pay 1.72 billion yen for 3,000 shares in J-Com, the filings show, 200 more than the company sold in its IPO -- which Nikko Citigroup arranged. Mizuho paid 2.74 billion yen to get out of the trade. ``We were working with Nikko Citigroup for two years on this IPO,'' J-Com board member Takashi Tanima said in a telephone interview from Osaka today. ``We want the brokerage to explain its behavior. We'll decide then if it gets any business from us in the future.'' Credit Suisse bought 2,889 J-Com shares. The Swiss bank made about 750 million yen, according to the filing. Lehman Brothers had 3,150 shares and earned about 670 million yen on the transaction. CSFB spokesman Isamu Kajino declined to comment on the bank's plans for the trading gains. Morgan Stanley held 4,522 shares. The second-biggest U.S. securities firm by market value didn't say whether it was trading on its own account or for clients. ``Any solution should include the introduction of new rules so that trades that are clearly significant errors be rendered invalid so we avoid any repetition of this incident,'' Morgan Stanley said in a statement. They didn't say if they're considering repaying the profit.
-- 作者: 九千 大家都不關心那個入錯數的人下場怎樣啦? 是否已經屍沉東京灣? 還是已經成功完成其間碟任務開心回家途中? ^_^