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-- 作者: mensch
-- 發表時間: 2004/11/14 11:00am



-- 作者: WingWing
-- 發表時間: 2004/11/14 02:45pm

That's why I switch to drinking Soy Milk now!!!  

喝牛奶變成罪孽一般。因爲一來,農場爲提高牛奶産量令牛只所受的罪;二來,消費者喝下混合激素,抗生素,甚至牛只身體器官發炎的膿水的奶製品 所受的罪。。。

-- 作者: mensch
-- 發表時間: 2004/11/14 07:31pm

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]WingWing[/u]在 [i]2004/11/14 02:45pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
That's why I switch to drinking Soy Milk now!!!  
喝牛奶變成罪孽一般。因爲一來,農場爲提高牛奶産量令牛只所受的罪;二來,消費者喝下混合激素,抗生素,甚至牛只身體器官發炎的膿 ...

Are you a Vegan?

Well, the belief in the goodness of dairy  products is so deeply rooted in the general public's mind... :em07:

-- 作者: WingWing
-- 發表時間: 2004/11/15 09:09am

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]mensch[/u]在 [i]2004/11/14 07:31pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
Are you a Vegan?
Well, the belief in the goodness of dairy  products is so deeply rooted in the general public's mind...
No i'm not. I'm still crazy about ice cream and cheese cake.. lol  :em08:
I'm a vegetarian most of the time. you?  ;p

-- 作者: WingWing
-- 發表時間: 2004/11/15 09:34am

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]mensch[/u]在 [i]2004/11/14 07:31pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]Well, the belief in the goodness of dairy  products is so deeply rooted in the general public's mind...
現在的*私人營養師* 會建議 停止長期喝牛奶來攝取鈣質和營養的習慣。可以轉喝豆漿,或食用 由天然植物提取的營養素 來達到同樣的目的 。~~  :em15:
*面對公衆的營養師 一般不會這麽說,因爲會涉及到社會各界的多重利害關係。 :em15:

-- 作者: mensch
-- 發表時間: 2004/11/16 09:57pm

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]WingWing[/u]在 [i]2004/11/15 09:09am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
No i'm not. I'm still crazy about ice cream and cheese cake.. lol  
I'm a vegetarian most of the time. you?  ;p

I had an eating habit like yours before. Now I am a vegan.

Since I stopped eating  meat and other animal products, I came to experience the true joy of food.

:em30: :em27:

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