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-- 作者: mensch
-- 發表時間: 2005/06/23 09:11pm

話說日本最大的化妝品公司收到客戶抱怨, 買來的洗面皂, 盒子裡面是空的, 於是他們為了預防生產線再次發生這樣的事情,工程師便很"努力辛苦"的研發了一台『X-光監視器』去透視每一台出貨的香皂盒,結果「漏裝」的都可檢查出來。

而同樣的問題也發生在另一家小公司, 他們的解決方法是買一台強力工業用電扇,放在輸送機末端,每個香皂盒,被吹走的便是沒放香皂的空盒.....夠簡單、夠聰明吧 !

-- 作者: mensch
-- 發表時間: 2005/06/23 09:12pm

是說美國太空總署NASA發現在外太空低溫無重力的狀況下,太空人用的墨水筆寫不出字,於是他們花了一大筆錢,研發出一種在低溫無重力下能寫出字的筆, 當時是很了不起的成就。


俄國人改用鉛筆..... 這就是注重"problem"和注重"solution"去解決事情的差別喔.....

-- 作者: mensch
-- 發表時間: 2005/06/23 09:17pm

i think of health

most ppl in modern cities suffer from too much pressure and get sick
they may spend a lot for medicine or so and so health products

actually, they should only lead a simple life
to release themselves from pressure
to get closer to the nature
or just forget about work and go straight for a good sleep

when the life style is really that abnormal, why not try something new
quit the job, change for another, maybe with less salary, but then one can earn back a real living

-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2005/09/25 08:08am

haha...good stories...

-- 作者: mem
-- 發表時間: 2005/09/26 09:36am

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]mensch[/u]在 [i]2005/06/23 09:11pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
話說日本最大的化妝品公司收到客戶抱怨, 買來的洗面皂, 盒子裡面是空的, 於是他們為了預防生產線再次發生這樣的事情,工程師便很"努力辛苦"的研發了一台『X-光監視器』去透視每一台出貨的香皂盒,結果「 ...


-- 作者: DemonEyesKyo
-- 發表時間: 2005/09/28 03:25pm

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]mensch[/u]在 [i]2005/06/23 09:17pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
i think of health
most ppl in modern cities suffer from too much pressure and get sick
they may spend a lot for medicine or so and so health products
actually, they should only lead a simple life

Would you rather lead the life you currently lead with all of societies pressures and expectations, or would you rather be a pig rolling in the mud all day, undoubtedly happy with their simple life style?

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