-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/10 08:53am
[這篇文章最後由wingwing在 2005/08/10 08:54am 第 1 次編輯]
此文摘自 星雲大師《迷悟之間》英文翻譯版 的 《Between Ignorance and Enlightenment》 [BR][br] [b][size=3][color=brown]All in a Thought 一念之間[/color][/size][/b][br] [color=green]When we talk about time, we often say "time flies;" however, our thoughts are like lightening, moving even faster than time. Our minds are like the ocean, thoughts rolling in and crashing like waves, one after another, never ceasing. [/color] [color=brown]Our minds are not limited by time and space. We can travel the world in a tought; we can experience three lifetimes in a thought. We can go up to heaven and then back down to earth, all in a thought. Our minds can be as large as the universe, encompassing realms as numerous as grains of sand in the desert. As the Chinese saying goes, "When we have no worries on our minds, a small bed is as large as the universe. But when we have trouble on our minds, the world can become very small." Our minds can embrace three thousand realms in just a single thought. Be it heaven or hell, rebirth in the six realms, or a Buddha or a demon, it can all be in a thought. [/color] [color=green] Our mind is our master, for from our minds arise views. If we change our views and our outlook in life, we can change our fate. A thought can change tears into smiles; a thought can transform foolishness into wisdom. A thought of compassion to help others elicits the mind of sages, but a thought of jealousy to hurt others brings forth the mind of the wicked. A thought of selfishness to profit oneself can only result in limited accomplishments, but a thought of initiative to benefit others can attain limitless merits. [/color] [color=brown] Throughout histroy, a simple thought has changed the fate of many countries. Kings and emperors have risen and fallen as a result of a single thought, and their countries have followed suit. In this world, many people change their entire lives on the basis of a hasty decision. Many take their own lives for lost love, leaving their families in pain and grief, while some steal and kill for profit, bringing others great harm, and ruining their own lives as well. All of these things can happen in a single thought. [/color] [color=green] Our minds hold the key to our rise and fall. There are two sides to every thought; we can be liberated and let go of all worries on a thought of enlightenment, or we can be entrapped, and create waves of agitation on a thought of delusion. The mind is also a symbol of eternity. A thought of enlightenment can transform. A thought of delusion affects our entire life, and in a moment of passion, it can become the guide to our next life. A thought, then, can be so crucial. As practitioners, should we not be cautious of all that is in a thought? [/color]
-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/10 09:03am
也看另一篇摘自《迷悟之間》的文章 [url=http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=59&topic=10] [color=blue][u]《調整觀念》[/u][/color][/url]
-- 作者: jennifer
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/10 09:21am
Thank you for sharing this insightful passage. Do you have any suggestions to focus our mind to positive thoughts? It takes a lot of effort and determination.
-- 作者: 睡蓮
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/10 08:29pm
星雲大師文章很值得一看呢。 絕對支持wingwing,好文不妨陸續來。 :em06:
-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/11 06:21am
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]jennifer[/u]在 [i]2005/08/09 09:21pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Thank you for sharing this insightful passage. Do you have any suggestions to focus our mind to positive thoughts? It takes a lot of effort and determination. [/quote] 常保持一顆感恩的心,領悟更多平安、快樂。 盡能力做事,不完美也能無憾。 試一下。:)
-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/11 06:23am
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]睡蓮[/u]在 [i]2005/08/10 08:29pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 星雲大師文章很值得一看呢。 絕對支持wingwing,好文不妨陸續來。 [/quote] 好!^____^
-- 作者: Herman
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/14 04:51pm
-- 作者: jennifer
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/15 11:25am
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]wingwing[/u]在 [i]2005/08/11 06:21am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 常保持一顆感恩的心,領悟更多平安、快樂。 盡能力做事,不完美也能無憾。 試一下。:) [/quote] 感謝萬分。我將嘗試. 至少在將來, 我不會有憾. :em06:
-- 作者: jennifer
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/15 11:33am
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]Herman[/u]在 [i]2005/08/14 04:51pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 相同的處境,是天堂或地獄,在一念間。 [/quote] 謝謝。
當我無法改變處境, 至少我能改變方式怎麼看它。 remind me of a song title 一念天堂 by 盧巧音
-- 作者: 睡蓮
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/17 00:39am
給wingwing補貼中文版的一念之間: </p><br/><br/> [color=#cd5c5c][size=3] 「光陰似箭,歲月如梭」,這是形容時間的流逝之快;然而,我人的心念,疾如閃電,快比光陰! 我們的心,剎那生滅,前念才過,後念又起,念念相繼,猶如潮汐,潮來潮往,永不停歇。 我們的心,不受時空限制,一念之間,瞬息去來三世間。真是上窮碧落下黃泉;天上人間,只在「一念之間」。 我們的心,大如虛空,所謂心包太虛,量周沙界。心中無事一床寬,心中有事世界小;是大是小,就在「一念之間」。 我們的心,一念三千,一念具足三千法界;一念之間,天堂地獄,六道輪迴,是佛是魔,全在「一念之間」。 心,是我人的主宰;心,就是觀念,觀念一改,命運隨之改變。一念之間,哭婆可以變笑婆;一念之間,愚迷可以轉靈巧。一念慈悲助人,就是聖賢之心;一念嫉妒害人,小人之心立現。一念私心為己,成就有限;一念發心為人功德無量。 歷史上,多少人在「一念之間」改寫了國家社會的命運。 你看!鴻門宴中,若不是項羽一念不決,何來漢家天下?你看!街亭之役,若非諸葛亮一念之差,何須揮淚斬馬謖? 世間上,多少人在「一念之間」倉卒決定了自己的一生。 你看!多少為情所困而自殺的男女們,只因「一念之間」想不開,結果徒留悲痛親人間。你看!多少為財所動而萌生殺機的歹徒們,只為「一念之間」財迷心竅,結果自毀前途,害人身命,永留罵名在人間。 心,是升沉的樞紐;我們的心,一心開二門;一念頓悟,可以放下身心,解脫自在,不受熱惱;一念生迷,也會鑽牛角尖,掀風起浪,不得安寧。 心,是永恆的象微;一念開覺,當下轉凡成聖,煩惱也可以化菩提。一念迷悟,影響我人的一生,甚至臨終一念,來世去向,立時決定。 一念之間,關係重大,吾人豈能不戒懼謹慎於「一念之間」! [/size][/color]
-- 作者: 睡蓮
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/17 00:42am
-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/22 10:50am
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]睡蓮[/u]在 [i]2005/08/17 00:39am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 給wingwing補貼中文版的一念之間: </p><br/><br/> 「光陰似箭,歲月如梭」,這是形容時間的流逝之快;然而,我人的心念,疾如閃電,快比光陰! 我們的心,剎那生滅,前念才過,後念又起,念 ... [/quote] Thanks a lot 蓮姊~! :D
-- 作者: 睡蓮
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/22 02:30pm
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]wingwing[/u]在 [i]2005/08/22 10:50am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Thanks a lot 蓮姊~! :D [/quote] 不用謝∼好文是絕對值得支持^^ 以下是另一篇《星雲法語》的“一念之間”,值得推介,貼出來與大家分享 :em06: <p style="padding-top:70"> [size=3][color=9acd32] 「一念之間」是佛教用語,亦是直指人心,最為切要的一句話。我們在世間生活,是好是壞?是善是惡?是福是禍?是貴是賤?都在一念之間。一念之間,哭婆變笑婆;一念之間,天堂變地獄;一念之間,立地成佛;一念之間,上窮碧落下黃泉。一念私我,畫地自限;一念為眾,有許多意想不到的福德因緣。對於「一念之間」,有四點意見:</p> [b]第一、天下無難易之事,只問有心無心之人:[/b]世間的事情困難嗎?容易嗎?很困難的事情,在有心人的前面都不困難;所謂「天下無難事、只怕有心人」。反之,即使很容易的事情,在無心著意之人的前面,也是無法成功。所以世間沒有絕對的難易,有心無心,只在「一念之間」。</p> [b]第二、天下無善惡之事,只問好心壞心之人:[/b]天下沒有什麼絕對的善、絕對的惡。像父母管教子女,老師教育學生,有時候給予挫折、壓力,或打罵、棒喝,卻能成就他的奮發向上,這能說不好嗎?若是父母溺愛,或酒肉朋友助其吃喝嫖賭,玩樂滋事,這種看似愛心的布施,反而成為造罪的根源。所以天下無善惡之事,只在好心壞心。好心行惡事都是功德,偽君子假惡為善,並非真善。所以善惡好壞,在於「一念之間」。</p> [b]第三、天下無成敗之事,只問得心失心之人:[/b]綜觀天下歷史,誰是成功之人?誰是失敗之者?貴為帝王的紂王、夏桀,在人間留下千古的罵名。曾經在囚牢裡度過悠悠歲月的文天祥,為人間留下浩然正氣;史可法忠君愛國,戰敗猶榮,贏得清王朝的尊敬,追謚為忠正。可見天下沒有完全的成敗,成敗只在得心、失心的「一念之間」。</p> [b]第四、天下無苦樂之事,只問煩心平心之人:[/b]在煩惱人之前,快樂也是苦。對平等心的人來說,無苦亦無樂。譬如千年暗室,點燃一燈,就大放光明。所以苦與樂,只在一念心轉。</p> 「一念之間」,有如下四點: [b]第一、天下無難易之事,只問有心無心之人; 第二、天下無善惡之事,只問好心壞心之人; 第三、天下無成敗之事,只問得心失心之人; 第四、天下無苦樂之事,只問煩心平心之人。 [/b] [/color][/size]
-- 作者: 野雲
-- 發表時間: 2005/08/23 02:41am
推推 :em05: :em05: :em05: