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---- 請大家救救法國被虐待的貓狗!!謝謝!! (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=63&topic=170)

-- 作者: doomsday
-- 發表時間: 2005/10/19 00:53am

Guys, There was a disturbing article in the Sun Paper yesterday about
French Fisherman using live Cats and Dogs for bait to catch Sharks.
There is a picture of a 6 month old Labrador with a huge double hook
between its snout, it seems the Dogs are been dragged  this hook in
the water behind the boat.  I will not go on with this story but you
can read it in full on the web site below, I would like people to do 2
things for me if possible.
各位朋友,昨天在 sun paper 看到一個有關法國漁民用貓狗來做捕捉沙魚的魚利。 還附有一張圖片顯示一隻被大勾勾著鼻的六個月大的 labrador 狗,看來這條狗會被放在水中拖在漁船的後面。 我不會詳細說這個故事,但你可以在以下網頁看到所有資料,我希望看到這個訊息的朋友幫我做兩件事。

Can people e-mail this to as many friends and relatives as possible,
England, America where ever. The bigger the audience the louder the
noise you make.  The main item I need everybody to do is log on to the
following website and register your protest with the RSPCA. The
website is;


You do not have to be an Animal Lover to see this is wrong so I urge
people to get involved in this, Please.

對不起,可能我的翻譯有點不大暢通,請諒。我已經註冊了,在 postcode 那一項,由於是必須填寫,但因為香港並沒有 postcode,請填上兩組字母及數目就可以。 例如: ab1 cd2    或   kd5 tp9,任何組合總之必須有英文字母及數字就成,謝謝!

[br][br][color=#990000][b]-=-=-=-=- 以下內容由 [i]doomsday[/i] 在 [i]2005年10月19日 00:22pm[/i] 時新增 -=-=-=-=-[/b][/color]
謝謝 rainbow 及無尾蜂!

-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2005/10/19 01:34am

[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/10/18 01:36pm 第 1 次編輯]

  [b]A six-month-old labrador pup was recently found ALIVE with a huge double hook through its snout - like the dog above - and another through a leg. [/b]


<pre>Origins:   The claim that live dogs (and cats) were being used as bait by shark fisherman on Réunion Island (a French-controlled territory just off the coast of Southern Africa in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar) started hitting the world press in August 2005 and picked up steam in early October 2005, when it was reported by publications such as the UK's Sun (an excerpt from which is quoted at the head of this page) and Sweden's Aftonbladet, complete with a heart-rending picture of a purported "bait dog" with a large hook through its muzzle. Animal rights groups such as the RSPCA have taken up the cause of putting a stop to the horrible  

Many observers remain skeptical of such claims, however, positing theories that range from media and animal rights groups having been taken in by a hoax to a deliberate disinformation campaign being waged by activists who seek to end the slaughter of sharks for their fins and cartilage by Indian Ocean fisherman. Arguments have flown back and forth over the practicality and plausibility (or lack thereof) of Réunion Islanders fishing for sharks in the manner described.

Based on a recent Réunion newspaper article which acknowledged the practice and reported the recent prosecution of a deliveryman (and amateur fisherman) on that island over animal cruelty charges associated with the described activity, we'd have to say there is some truth to the shark-fishing claim, although the practice does not appear to be as widespread or horrific (or tolerated) as implied by recent news stories. Rather than describing hordes of shark fisherman impaling live dogs on hooks and dragging them behind boats as shark bait, the article notes that employing dogs in shark-fishing is largely the province of a small group of amateur fisherman rather than large numbers of professionals, that the dogs used are generally dead animals picked up from roadsides or culled from the island's large population of unwanted strays (estimated at 150,000), and that the no-longer-alive animals are attached to unattended buoyed "shark trap" platforms rather than dragged alive behind boats.

The French embassy in Washington, D.C., has also maintained that although the practice is not unknown, its occurrence and acceptance is not nearly as prevalent as recent news reports would make it seem:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for writing to us with your concerns. We too denounce the barbaric practices you refer to. Such acts are obviously illegal and will not be tolerated on French territory. But while we share your revulsion, we would like to emphasize that the practice of using live dogs or cats as shark bait is in fact exceptional and isolated. It was never widespread nor traditional, but introduced by ruthless individuals, and has been strictly banned for decades now.

TV reports that raised initial indignation when they were aired in France and abroad in 2005 were filmed locally in 2003 following the discovery of a mutilated dog. The last few months have seen two identical events which received heavy media coverage (one of these events was soon determined to be a false alarm). But can these vile occurrences lead us to conclude that there is an ongoing tradition of barbarism on Reunion Island?

Reunion Island, a French territory and a European region, obeys the laws and regulations of the French Republic and the European Union. It respects the rule of law and does not practice inhumane ancestral practices. The facts that elicited your complaint are the act of a few isolated, irresponsible parties who are being sought by the police and will be brought to justice. The authorities on the island are closely monitoring the situation; one person is in custody and appeared in court on Friday September 30, 2005. All suspicions of such acts will be investigated, and animal protection organizations that have any specific information on these matters are strongly encouraged to inform French police authorities.

The French minister for agriculture and fisheries, Dominique Bussereau, is fully aware of the media and public outcry regarding this issue, and has written to the French National Assembly to emphasize that several measures have been taken to strengthen already existing laws. Veterinarians have been directed to immediately report any suspicious wounds to authorities, and the police will increase their inspections of fishing and pleasure vessels. Meanwhile, a sterilization campaign, launched in 2001 to reduce the number of stray dogs and cats on the island, continues.

Animal rights are an important issue in France: over half of French households have at least one pet, and France has some of the world's most stringent animal rights legislation. French law provides for the prosecution of those who are cruel to animals. Voluntary cruelty to animals is punishable by a sentence of two years in prison and a 30,000 euro fine (equivalent to about $36,000).


Press Office.
Cordialement / Regards
Service de Presse et d'Information / Press & Information Service
Ambassade de France / Embassy of France
Washington, D.C.

The photo displayed at the head of this page, which has adorned several news articles and humane society-related web pages on this topic, remains a subject of debate. Proponents claim it as documentary evidence of a cruel shark-fishing practice on Réunion Island, while doubters maintain it is a completely unrelated photograph of an accidental entanglement that has been mistakenly or deceptively misused for publicity's sake.

Last updated:   3 October 2005

-- 作者: 無尾蜂
-- 發表時間: 2005/10/19 01:51am

[這篇文章最後由無尾蜂在 2005/10/19 04:51am 第 2 次編輯]

不太忍心看到那張圖片,所以附上直接 [url=http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RSPCACampaigns/Campaign/sharkbaitpetition]請 願 書[/url] 的 link.

[color=#FF0000]Sign the petition[/color]  ( 簽署請願書 )

[color=#FF0000]I support the call on the French government to intervene to bring the ghastly practice of using live animals as shark bait to an immediate halt.[/color]

( 我支持法國政府直接干預使用活動物當鯊魚誘餌。)

[color=#FF0000]On the following form, please only supply the information requested - we do not need your full address..[/color]

( 以下, 只需提供被請求的資料 - 我們不需要您全部的地址 )

[color=#FF0000]Your name *:  [/color] ( 您的名稱 - [b]必須填寫[/b] )
[color=#FF0000]House number/name:  [/color] ( 住處名及門牌號碼 - 只須部份資料 )
[color=#FF0000]Postcode *: [/color] ( 郵證號碼 - [b]必須填寫[/b]  )
[color=#FF0000]Your e-mail *: [/color] (電郵地址 - [b]必須填寫[/b]  )
[color=#FF0000]Mobile phone number: [/color] (電話號碼  - 可以不填寫  )


-- 作者: joe73
-- 發表時間: 2005/10/19 05:02am


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