- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: 緣生
但亦可成為盤中一種負累。 若然了解羊、陀之理,便知道祿存與幸福之間的道理了。 值得大家深思的斗數之道。
-- 作者: doomsday
請問羊陀是否一定夾祿存的?[br][br][color=#990000][b]-=-=-=-=- 以下內容由 [i]doomsday[/i] 在 [i]2007年10月21日 11:54pm[/i] 時新增 -=-=-=-=-[/b][/color]
-- 作者: 緣生
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]doomsday[/u]在 [i]2007/10/21 11:53pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 對。 :em50:
-- 作者: 緣生 [quote][b]下面引用由[u]doomsday[/u]在 [i]2007/10/21 11:53pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 還有,被夾的宮位會有甚麼事?如六親 可以有很多種可能的性質。 具體地說, 如該宮星系性質不協調的話, 事主很大機會會因為該六親宮引起很多不必要的煩惱,而不自知。
-- 作者: 食月
末學覺得祿存比較傾向被動(因為被羊陀夾) 或收納. 如主星無力(或無主星)反而使該宮有種動彈不得之感. 雖解惡之星, 但需別的力量來激發.
-- 作者: supralex 各位前輩、大大、同好,其實我們也可想想為何祿存永遠也是被羊陀所夾?也許我們可以用日常生活去想想當中的原因。後學想這不是偶然的,當中背後的道理必深。 後學努力研究中...... ^_^
-- 作者: nlut 财能招灾。
-- 作者: tiffany Agree with Supralex . There is a meaning of placing祿between羊陀. Don’t want to discuss the reason or purpose of why ‘祿存’exists at a particular area/house. Give some thoughts to the meaning of ‘祿存’ itself, and think about its features & functions. :em60: Say for example: ‘A’ has ‘祿存’ at 命, he appears to be so lovable , so much love around him. :em28: However, would people around him feels the same way or see this as a blessing? How about when ‘A’ always appear to be so lucky, (under the rule of易學之對待) -relatives and friends, especially siblings(of course depends on their characteristics) may start gossips & comparing, which can sometimes lead to real burden or troubles to the命主. :em07: Or let’s say: ‘A’ is richer among his peers. Will others feel happy for him, accept his ability , his earning power, or think that he is just one lucky man in the world, things of course come easily. :em36: Likewise, fair enough - everyone has天刑. When 天刑comes into a specific house, that means命主will encounter obstacles and difficult situations within this environment :em43: . By giving extra patience and finding the right solution is the key to handle天刑 . Therefore, the most important of all is to accept having天刑at the first place , know what it is , and wisely find the appropriate solution . After overcoming difficulties, the best is yet to come. :em45: