下面引用由12322在 2005/07/15 01:39pm 發表的內容:=B) I would like to know since I am going to 測字 Why do i need to provide my personal information while some topic like 外公前陣子住院,真讓人擔心~
想以「球」字測外公的健康 no need to provide person ...Z,
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Buy a "writing board"/ Chinese Pen, 蒙恬筆 or other brand name.yD
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究 &8
With a Chinese pen, you don't need to learn how to type Chinese. You have to respect and understand the fact that this is a Chinese-based website. For Chinese words you have forgotten, there are a few online Chinese/English dictionary as reference.:Vr$g
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測字 is based on Chinese, not English, Greek or Swahili.,81F4\
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