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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   a57k+
PT Cruiser 小汽車跟運油車相撞的車禍在加拿大發生,  Chevrolet PT Cruiser 是一輛非常非常細小的汽車。&U`
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Y
我不知道小汽車跟運油車相撞的車禍是否壞天氣造成, 但是一些司機不值得我的同情, 尤其是那些行駛小汽車和認為他們的小汽車是非常敏捷和穿插自如的愚蠢司機。~P
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   sptA
有時,在高速公路上,我看見這種小型跑車: Mini Cooper, BMW 3 series 以為自己的車非常細小敏捷, 常常穿插在高速公路的左和右線, 真的等待車禍意外發生.LBQOe
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有一次, 在我前面是一輛大貨車, 因為車速只是 40 英里 (40 miles per hour), 我保持一個汽車空間安全距離。突然, 一 BMW 3 series 小車鬼鬼祟祟的穿插在我前面,他沒有打轉方向信號突然穿插,迫使我在高速公路失去所有安全距離,我的車距離 BMW 僅只數英寸, 我很接近 hit 這輛 BMW 3 series 小車。雖然向某人按喇叭很久是很 obnoxious 的行為,  我向 BMW 瘋狂按喇叭持續至少一分鐘,然後他被迫轉線。
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兩 奪 命 車 禍R
男 女 各 一 亡vq9pl=
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   E>!
  (本報記者報道)菲沙河谷匹特草原(Ridge Meadows)昨日發生奪命車禍,一高貴林港男子懷疑駕車失控撞樹,傷重身亡。(x
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Y
事發於昨日清晨1時50分,死者駕著2004年日產350Z汽車,在洛歇公路(Lougheed Hwy.)以北的舊杜尼楚克路(Old Dewdney Trunk Rd.)西行,懷疑轉彎時失控,先衝落溝渠後,撞向大樹。yA
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車禍發生時,私家車34歲司機阿格諾(Dawn Marie Agno)及17歲女乘客維達(Christina Rose Verde),拋出車外,司機傷勢輕微,然而女乘客則當場死亡。54歲運油車司機貝爾(Ronald J. Bell),並無受傷。
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Fort St. James girl killed]vjv|t
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   8kQ`k}
By Arthur Williams+
Free Press-LKR+
Mar 02 2007%
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A 17-year-old Fort St. James girl is dead after a collision between the car she was riding in and a tanker truck loaded with sodium hydroxide on Highway 97 just north of Hixon, Tuesday.i&]~=
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Christina Rose Verde was pronounced dead at the scene after being ejected from the car following the collision. Physical evidence found by police show she was wearing her seat belt at the time of the crash.hd/;!
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Fraser Fort George RCMP were called to the crash near Widdis Road at 9:30 a.m.S D
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When they arrived, they discovered a southbound 2006 Chevrolet PT Cruiser and a northbound 2007 Kenworth tractor trailer unit had collided.m8a*?Y
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The PT Cruiser had rotated away from the impact and stopped in the southbound ditch on its wheels. The tractor-trailer spun 180 degrees following the collision and rolled off the highway onto its roof in the southbound ditch.N
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The driver of the PT Cruiser, Dawn Marie Agno, 34, of Fort St. James suffered minor injuries and was taken to Prince George Regional Hospital where she was kept overnight for observation.|rA1o
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The truck driver, Ronald J. Bell, 54, of Scarborough, Ont. wasn’t injured in the crash.t9
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The tanker trailer was intact and no sodium hydroxide was leaked. However, police contained and evacuated the scene until it was determined safe for emergency personnel to approach.9f!/58
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Weather conditions at the time of the crash were overcast with light snow. Police found the road conditions in the area of the crash where very icy. !&
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Police closed the highway until 3:30 p.m. while investigators gathered evidence at the scene. Traffic then resumed in one alternating lane until Wednesday morning.DoX
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HAZMAT teams from Environment Canada and Quantum Industries worked through the night to drain the sodium hydroxide from the tanker.!Dy{k[
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Once the tank was empty, a tow truck was used to extract the vehicles from the ditch.?/}f
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The cause of the collision is still under investigation. RCMP have begun examining both vehicles for any sign of mechanical malfunctions and are speaking to witnesses and the drivers. Anyone who saw the crash or has information for police should call the Fraser Fort George Traffic Service Unit at 250-649-4004.%_"nCM

發表文章時間2007/03/12 01:51am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 4312 位元組]  


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  即使駕駛 SUV,不要高估自己的車,因為公路上的大卡車, 巨大拖車 tractor trailer 這麼多, 在撞擊中, "小小的" SUV 也輸了, 因為物理學決定結果, 大卡車身型大佔領優勢, 他們總是車禍中的 "贏家"。=7]zfG
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  This collision between a sport utility vehicle and a tractor-trailer occurred about 10:15 a.m. Friday on the northbound side of Interstate 295 near Route 1 in Lawrence.D
Michael Ratcliffe/The Times  
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  The driver of the SUV was trapped inside the wreckage and had to be cut free by Lawrence firefighters.   Michael Ratcliffe/The Times   7N=F[
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Storm creates a mess for New Jerseyun
Posted by The Times of Trenton March 16, 2007 9:58PM!-Kc
Categories: Accident, News, Traffic, Transportation, Weather*
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Ae
More than 100 traffic accidents occurred Friday on area roadways made slick by the mix of rain, sleet, ice and snow dropped on the Mercer County region by a late winter storm.aCQ[^
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In New Jersey, police reported two fatal accidents yesterday -- including one with multiple deaths in Gloucester County -- but locally only a handful of serious injuries resulted from crashes. Most of the local accidents were minor, police said, and typically involved vehicles sliding off roadways or into other vehicles with no injuries./'bg?
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Among the more notable accidents in the area Friday were a collision between a sport utility vehicle and a tractor-trailer on Interstate 295 in Lawrence, an accident in which a car slammed into an ambulance transporting a patient in Trenton, and a crash on Route 1 in South Brunswick involving a police car responding to a bank robbery.|
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Friday's treacherous travel conditions prompted authorities to impose a 35 mph restriction on the entire length of the New Jersey Turnpike for much of the day.A&=8
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The Mercer County civil and criminal courthouses closed early at 2 p.m. and many local school districts canceled sporting events and other after-school activities. The Mercer County Special Services School District opted to send students home early Friday afternoon.ZnN
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While a flood watch remained in effect for the Mercer County area and was not expected to expire until Saturday morning, the National Weather Service and the Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center on Friday again revised their prediction for the Delaware River, saying the river should crest in Trenton at 14.4 feet Saturday, well below flood stage.U
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But the weather service also revised its snow prediction -- increasing the amount forecast -- by issuing a winter storm warning for Mercer County and saying 3 to 5 inches of ice and snow could fall by early Saturday morning.vS0R
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For more on this story, see Saturday's Times.aK
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Contributed by Michael Ratcliffe,U.k,

發表文章時間2007/03/19 01:58am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 3013 位元組]  


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 正值雙十年華的Cindy Kim(左),不幸在14日凌晨的車禍中喪生。右為蔣凱倫。【圖由趙 穗提供】   cjh$
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 14日在車禍中喪生的 Tommy Choi,就讀於北伊大藝術系二年級,他的朋友說,Tommy個性開朗,熱心助人,人緣很好。【圖由趙 穗提供】 A
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芝城車禍 三亞裔學生喪生*
威克地下車道凌晨傳意外 跑車疑失控衝撞路旁支柱後起火奪命wPe3
2007-03-15Oe\ E
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   s0Sl
【本報記者黃惠玲芝加哥報導】芝加哥市區威克(Lower Waker Drive)地下車道14日凌晨發生一起車禍,一部馬自達小跑車疑因失控撞及上層路面支柱後,起火燃燒,包括華裔女學生蔣凱倫(Karen Chiang,音譯)在內的兩名乘客及駕駛當場死亡。警方目前仍在調查車禍原因中。1r{uj
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根據警方紀錄,三名死者中的兩人為韓裔學生Tommy Choi(男)、Cindy Kim(女),至本報截稿時為止,警方尚未公布第三名死者的身分,但據三名死者的友人北伊大華裔學生趙 穗表示,可能是華裔女生蔣凱倫(音譯)。V~2!Sj
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芝加哥警局警官波索(Joe Boisso)指出,車禍發生在在接近芝加哥凱悅飯店的威克地下車道。據目擊者表示,14日凌晨零時50分左右,由Tommy Choi駕駛的2004年藍色馬自達(Mazda)RX-8跑車,在紅綠燈前起步時,原因不明地突然衝撞路旁直徑約兩呎的支柱,隨即起火燃燒,車內駕駛及乘客三人全部罹難。oD=
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與不幸罹難的三位學生同為好友的趙 穗表示,13日為春假的第二天,她與就讀普渡大學二年級的蔣凱倫、北伊大的好友Cindy Kim及Tommy Choi約好一起出外吃飯、逛街,一早他們先到北邊的日本超市吃東西,還去沃德菲爾德購物商場(Woodfield Mall)逛街,晚餐則約了另一些好友去吃日本料理。6c2AY(
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家住芝城西北郊派若坦(Palantine)的Tommy Choi因為要送住在北溪(North Brook)的蔣凱倫及Cindy回家,所以本來一直與Tommy同車的趙 穗,因住在西郊,所以改搭其他同學的車子回家。4FH/
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趙 穗返家後不久,接到同學電話,得知發生車禍,趕到現場的趙 穗完全無法相信,才高高興興分手的好友,竟然已經成為永別。<xY
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趙 穗表示,當天整天他們都在一起,沒有任何人喝酒,而Tommy也不開快車,他不認為是因超速引發意外。
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   ;P0}(
趙 穗轉述當時目擊同學的說法表示,Tommy的車子在紅燈轉綠起步時,突然失控撞向支柱,同學們曾試著搭救,但當時三名車內學生已經昏迷,同時身體卡在車內,施救困難,後來車輛起火,救援更困難。=+=
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趙 穗說,蔣凱倫與哥哥住在芝加哥,媽媽則在加州工作,她和蔣凱倫從高中時就認識,是很好朋友。:
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芝城車禍死者 證實為姜兆珍XjGGe
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   e2e;"
【本報記者黃惠玲芝加哥報導】14日在芝加哥車禍中不幸喪生的普渡大學華裔女學生姜兆珍(Karen Chiang,前譯蔣凱倫),為芝加哥僑界活躍人士姜傳華及張蘊芝的愛女,意外傳出,使許多看著姜兆珍長大的叔叔、阿姨以及多位好友都十分震驚,悲痛萬分。&
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姜兆珍告別式將於本月17日(星期六)下午12時30分,在芝城北郊的North Shore Chinese Christian Church(1250 Waukegan Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015)舉行,教會聯絡電話為(847)945-1890。在16 日(周五)下午4時30分到晚間9時開放給各界追悼, Smith Corcoran Funeral Home 地址是1104 Waukegan Rd., Glenview, IL 60025,電話(847)509-0101。DW%
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Third victim of fiery car crash identifiedTx
Mar 16, 2007p|
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CHICAGO (AP) - A 19-year-old woman attending college in Indiana was among the three people killed in a violent car crash on Lower Wacker Drive, friends said Thursday.+N/Ns=
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Karen Chiang died of inhalation injuries after the sports car she was riding in crashed into a steel barrier and caught fire early Wednesday on the underground street in the city's downtown, authorities said.E}
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The other two victims have been identified as Northern Illinois University students Tommy Young Choi, 20, of Palatine, and Cindy Young Kim, 20, of Northbrook.jXn.8
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The victims were all home on spring break.efK3
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Choi also died of inhalation injuries, while Kim died of injuries suffered in the crash, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.5
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Friends said Chiang was a student at Purdue University. A university spokeswoman said Thursday that the school has a student named Karen Chiang who is a 19-year-old sophomore in psychology from Northbrook.Us
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Chiang and Kim attended Glenbrook North High School together, friends said.{Dign
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Officials said Choi was driving the trio back from hanging out in Chinatown when he lost control of his Mazda RX-8 around 12:50 a.m.8
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Chicago police said Thursday they are still investigating the cause of the crash.
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Choi was a junior in NIU's College of Visual and Performing Arts, while Kim was a sophomore majoring in human resource management in the College of Business, university officials said.0=9}
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Witnesses, including several friends who were in separate cars behind Choi's, said it appears that he was speeding but that the roadway was also wet.O<=

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  在加國溫哥華高貴林發生 Db~
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 圖1: 撞車現場可見白色跑車斷成兩截。PWp}%n
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高貴林皇家騎警發言人羅德里格(Benoit Rodrigue)表示,昨日凌晨1時30分左右,一輛白色本田Prelude跑車在匹特河路(Pitt River Rd.)西向路段高速行駛,途中跑車不明原因衝向對面線,與一輛銀色汽車迎頭對撼,跑車當場折成兩截,車內機械零件灑滿附近路面。H
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此主題相關圖片如下:% t
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 一對兄妹 (step brother, step sister) Andrew Miller, Shatone Glover, 在雪天車禍死亡. u
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Firefighters look on as the second half of a car involved in a fatal accident is loaded onto a tow truck on Freehold Road, Wednesday, March 7, 2007, in Jackson, N.J. A storm bringing light snow and more bitter cold temperatures hit New Jersey Wednesday morning, tying up traffic during the commute and leading to the deaths of a brother and sister on their way to school. A boy who was driving his sister to high school lost control of the vehicle (shown here) on a slippery road and crashed into a tree, killing both the siblings. (AP Photo/ Colin Archer).6^
2:16 p.m. ET, 3/7/07
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Emergency workers confer at the scene of a double fatal accident on Freehold Road Wednesday March 7, 2007 in Jackson, N.J. A brother and sister were on their way to high school and were killed in the one car accident. It was snowing and cold at the time of the accident. The desolate road was the scene of a triple fatal accident that occurred Oct. 23, 2005 only several hundred feet away.u95
11:53 a.m. ET, 3/7/07
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A brother and sister on their way to high school were killed in a one car accident Wednesday, March 7, 2007, in Jackson, N.J. It was snowing and cold at the time of the accident.n;k$8
12:05 p.m. ET, 3/7/07  
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新州車禍 兄妹喪生~y
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   %Ywm
圖為7日消防隊員們趕到新州積遜郡一起致命車禍的現場。這場車禍發生在雪天﹐發生車禍的這輛車子中一對兄妹死亡﹐當時他們正在去高中上學的路上。 (美聯社)UE20
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Hundreds mourn teens killed in Jackson crash]iKDwN
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 03/8/07(8
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JACKSON — By 7:40 p.m. Wednesday, more than 250 friends of Andrew Miller and his stepsister, Shatone Glover, transformed an unremarkable, wooded stretch of Freehold Road — where the two students died that morning in an automobile accident on the way to Jackson Memorial High School — into a powerful and somber memorial.k
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It was a solemn affair that began slowly after 6 p.m. with the placement of a teddy bear and several votive candles. Then several became dozens as a steady stream of friends walked to the site of the crash to place flowers, cry in each other's arms, pray or struggle in silence with the sudden loss.SvHFPy
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Township police officers, firefighters and first aid squad members blocked off a lane of traffic as more mourners arrived. The vigil spilled into the dark woods, around the crash site in all directions and out into the street. The only lights came from the police cars, emergency vehicles and television news cameramen.ch
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"It's unreal. It's tragic. It's unbelievable," said Tracy Durham, whose son attended Jackson Memorial High School with Miller and Glover. "But we have strong faith in God.jJ51oW
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Ever since I learned about this, I just had to pray. That's what I've told the kids out here — all you can do is pray."Yty
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Miller, 17, and Glover, 16, were on their way to Memorial High School, with Miller driving on a slippery road covered with a light coating of snow, when they were killed in the one-car crash on Freehold Road shortly after 7 a.m., township police Sgt. Russell Scialpi said.It^L
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Police said Miller, a senior, and Glover, a junior, were planning to pick up a friend before arriving at the school.zVr/nm
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The crash occurred about a half-mile from Cedar Swamp Road (Route 527) — about 4 miles from the high school. Police said it appears Miller may have been traveling too fast for the road conditions.t0fE6
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Police said they do not know how fast Miller was going as he drove east on Freehold Road, where the speed limit is 50 mph.:[Eu
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Still, he did not negotiate a curve well, and his car skidded and went sideways, police said. Authorities believe he over-compensated for the skid, and the Maxima may have glanced off one tree before striking a second.
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Sgt. Brian Geoghegan said police believe weather and the inexperience of the driver contributed to the accident. GaLOJ
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"It's obvious they were driving too fast for the conditions," Geoghegan said. "We can attribute most of it to young, inexperienced drivers."K4`@
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The two were killed instantly, authorities said.h.EBm
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The crash occurred about 200 feet from the site of another deadly crash in October 2005 that claimed the lives of township resident Walter Lynch Jr., 28, and Keansburg residents Jennifer Wilson, 25, and Rose Acevedo, 31.7y?$t5
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The crash Wednesday was reported about 7 a.m. by another driver, only minutes before the start of school.;qX2M
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"This is an officer's worst nightmare," said officer Kevin Chesney, one of the officers who notified the students' father, Katone Glover. Police said the father identified his children through photos that were brought to the house.,E2
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Victims had plans\
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Before he stepped into his car Wednesday morning, Miller was waiting to hear whether he had been accepted at Rutgers University, while Glover hoped to attend Spelman College in Atlanta.vdv
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Miller played football, as both a defensive end and tight end, and ran track. Shatone studied ballet. They worked summers at Six Flags, and their family liked to watch "American Idol" together.*w>JYR
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"He would walk into the room and light up any classroom," said Fran Sokolich, 16, a junior, one of the many students who attended the candlelight vigil. "He had such a great personality. He was always laughing, always smiling."+
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Katone Glover was surrounded by friends and family in his Jackson home Wednesday afternoon as he spoke about his children.b#;4l/
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"They had big plans," he said. "They had lots of friends."s|`L,
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Miller, who was driving a car registered to his father, had a graduated driver's license, and he was driving in accordance with the time and passenger restrictions that come with that license, authorities said.V[o8<
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He did not have any violations on his driving history, said Sandy Grossman, a spokeswoman for the state Motor Vehicle Commission.SGO
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Police said Miller was not wearing his seat belt Wednesday. They are not sure whether his stepsister was wearing one but said that because of the severity of the crash, it probably would not have mattered whether they were belted.>Mzx$
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"It's a sad day for us in Jackson," Scialpi said.Xs
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Two officers and a chaplain went to the teens' home Wednesday morning to notify their father. It was not the first time that Katone Glover had to endure such terrible news; his wife was killed in a motor vehicle accident about seven years ago in another town, police said.a
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Memorial High School Principal Anthony Gaita made an announcement about the deaths Wednesday morning on the school's public address system. Many students who attended the vigil later that night said you could hear a pin drop inside the school after the announcement was made. Some of the school's 2,500 students, especially those close to Miller and Glover, simply went home.q:
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The district activated its crisis response team, and school officials also called the Ocean County Department of Human Resources, which sent an emergency response team, said Laura Wheaton, the district's director of guidance.9ro
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"Today, obviously, was a difficult day," Gaita said at a news conference Wednesday. "But in a tragedy like this, we pull together like a family."[dD
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Gaita said his heart goes out to the family of the teens.T3][
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"The students were well-known," he said. "They were the bright eyes of the school and well-liked. Every student is precious to us, but to lose two students in one day is an extreme hardship."b'/
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Jackson police officer Trevor Crowley is the lead investigator; Officer Chesney also is investigating. The Ocean County Prosecutor's Office, the Ocean County Sheriff's Department and the Jackson Mills Fire Company also responded.$JU
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   7#g-O0
"It's a terrible, terrible thing," Jackson Mayor Mark A. Seda said. "My heart goes out to (the family.)"Y9yP
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Staff writers John Vandiver and Fraidy Reiss contributed to this storyO@3"N

發表文章時間2007/03/24 08:15am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 8807 位元組]  


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   CREDIT: Bill Keay, Vancouver Sun9py>:
... and stolen vehicle, with New Westminster investigating officer (right). The truck was hit by the automobile pursued by police in the early morning Tuesday. The driver and passenger in the stolen vehicle both died.  
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偷車賊逃警追緝 撞車身亡!%pxB
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   \N*r!
新西敏市警局發言人迪哈斯(Casey De Haas)表示,昨天清晨約四時,一名正進行勤務的員警發現一輛可疑的四門轎車,即刻輸入電腦進行比對,結果證實該輛轎車不久前已經於素里市報失。*'y
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   ;wGze
Two die after pursuit crashG
Stolen vehicle chased by police in early hours slams into truck after running stop signWVt/
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Glenn BohncEH3
Vancouver SungJT
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007974
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   nj9Nc
NEW WESTMINSTER - Two men in a stolen car died early Tuesday in New Westminster during a one-kilometre police pursuit that ended when the car broadsided a truck at 10th Avenue and Second Street.$M
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A spokesman for the New Westminster police department said the pursuit began at about 4:10 a.m., when a city police officer spotted a suspicious vehicle near Sixth Avenue and McBride Boulevard. It was a silver-coloured Pontiac Pursuit.R?
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Staff Sgt. Casey Dehaas said the officer, whose name was not released, ran the vehicle's licence plate on the police computer. Within five or 10 seconds, the officer knew the vehicle had been stolen in Surrey..t
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   e<
Dehaas said the officer turned on the police cruiser's red lights and siren. The four-door sedan accelerated away from him. The car headed north on Second Street but failed to stop at the stop sign before 10th Avenue, a traffic artery that is busy day and night.<C6pS
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Wn
The truck, meanwhile, was travelling eastbound on 10th Avenue, just as the driver of the stolen car sped past the stop sign.!.
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Dehaas released no estimate of the maximum speeds of either the police cruiser or the stolen car, saying those estimates would be established later by investigators.pM0
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But he said the pursuit lasted just 60 to 90 seconds.:ihCgN
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Neighbour Maria Andrade, who lives a block away from the crash site, was watching television when she first heard police sirens, followed by a horrendous crash.V,\
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Ep$Cv<
"I could tell, by the vibration, that it was some kind of accident," she said. "It sounded like a bang against a big house -- some kind of pounding explosion."?/E_9
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The severely damaged car was carried about 10 metres east, in the direction the heavier truck was travelling. It landed on the sidewalk, facing the road.8dR
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The truck stopped a few metres further away from the intersection, on the opposite side of 10th. The truck lodged itself against a street light standard that leaned precariously toward the road. The passenger side of the truck was heavily damaged, but Dehaas said the driver suffered only minor injuries.NB0
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   8n=ii
Dehaas said one of the men in the stolen car died immediately and the other died on the way to hospital. Police are withholding the names of the 29-year-old driver and his 42-year-old passenger until their families are notified.L@p
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The driver had a criminal record for charges that include theft over $5,000, possession of stolen property, and driving while disqualified. The passenger also had a lengthy criminal record for property and driving offences.}
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Tenth Avenue remained closed until almost 1:30 p.m., forcing thousands of drivers to find alternative routes.bxy!\6
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Dehaas said the accident is being investigated by the police department's major crimes section.$q
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He said the officer was following the guidelines for emergency pursuits. He noted it was 4 a.m. and there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the road at the point the officer decided to pursue the stolen car..{
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   ZE
Dehaas said the officer was doing his duty when he made a split-second decision to pursue the vehicle.I5
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"They created their own demise," he said of the people in the stolen car. "The officer didn't."<
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交通意外發生在加國溫哥華 Richmond 市 CW]
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意外現場是乃街(Knight St.)南行線與91號公路附近。現場消息稱,事發昨日上午9時許,一輛藍色單門跑車沿乃街南行,轉入91號公路期間,在一個彎位失控,先撞向路旁的石壆後,連人帶車繼續衝前數十呎,再撞毀路邊電燈柱才停下。.do<d6
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發表文章時間2007/04/02 03:54am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 1100 位元組]  


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資料: 此會員目前不在線上 美女
威望: +2 積分: 3147
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註冊: 2004/10/01 09:25am
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  奪命車禍發生在加拿大卑詩省溫哥華的素里 HI
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  騎警封鎖車禍現場調查,被撞私家車的車頭損毀不堪,泵把跌在路上,車尾亦損毀嚴重,而積架房車四輪朝天,擱在圍欄旁。下圖為四輪朝天似足廢鐵的積架房車。(蕭良文攝)  ;S?
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   )d5N
  工人將肇事房車內的死者運走。(蕭良文攝)  lZiX2_
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車禍現場是132街夾88路十字路口。負責調查該宗車禍的騎警利奧普基(Don Loeppky)表示,事發昨日凌晨1時50分,一輛黑色舊款積架(Jaguar)房車沿132街南行,駛至上述十字路口時撞及一輛沿88路東行的棕色豐田(Toyota)Camry私家車。Us7M*
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交通黑點 司機常超速u ^
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   ZIj.A7
居住附近的彼德斯(Rob Peters)表示,昨日凌晨在睡夢中被隆然巨響驚醒,最初以為是地震,即時跑出屋外了解事故,發現兩部汽車發生碰撞,並且損毀非常嚴重,場面嚇人。:
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發表文章時間2007/04/21 08:30am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 2986 位元組]  


等級: 大天使
資料: 此會員目前不在線上 美女
威望: +2 積分: 3147
現金: 121 緣幣
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在線: 685 時 29 分 29 秒
註冊: 2004/10/01 09:25am
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  私家車整個車頭原插入貨車車底,其後由消防將車拉出,車輛前半部分全撞成廢鐵,巴裔男司機被救出時沒呼吸脈搏,送院後證實不治。身穿紅色外套的貨車司機事後協助警方在場調查意外。(明報 樊銳昌攝)     60b#Li
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   2|iS
私家車插貨車底 巴籍司機亡r
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   *G
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   F5.c
撞爆油缸 幸無爆炸0^
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意外死者Nussian Jaber,25歲,救護員趕至時發現他已經無呼吸脈搏,送抵屯門醫院後證實死亡。Jaber昨駕駛的本田Civic私家車為其兄長所有,事發時他駕車外出購物,正在返回現場附近寓所途中。?=?k[
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發表文章時間2007/04/23 03:40am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 2211 位元組]  


等級: 大天使
資料: 此會員目前不在線上 美女
威望: +2 積分: 3147
現金: 121 緣幣
存款: 68288 緣幣
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在線: 685 時 29 分 29 秒
註冊: 2004/10/01 09:25am
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  肇 事 日 產 SKYLINE 跑 車 撞 毀 , 零 件 支 離 破 碎 , 車 頭 毀 爛 如 廢 鐵 , 三 個 車 輪 爆 破 , 途 經 的 駕 駛 人 士 報 警 , 但 警 員 抵 達 時 , 司 機 已 不 顧 而 去 , 因 車 內 無 血 漬 , 相 信 司 機 無 受 傷 , 正 設 法 聯 絡 車 主 助 查 。 lE
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Juhs
【 本 報 訊 】 一 輛 有 「 戰 神 」 稱 號 的 日 產 SKYLINE 跑 車 , 昨 凌 晨 四 時 許 , 沿 北 大 嶼 山 快 速 公 路 往 機 場 行 駛 , 途 至 東 涌 映 灣 園 對 開 時 , 懷 疑 因 天 雨 路 滑 「 跣 胎 」 失 控 , 狂 撞 欄 杆 後 打 轉 , 衝 前 九 十 公 尺 才 煞 停 車 , 車 頭 毀 爛 如 廢 鐵 , 三 個 車 輪 爆 破 , 途 經 的 駕 駛 人 士 報 警 , 但 警 員 抵 達 時 , 司 機 已 不 顧 而 去 , 因 車 內 無 血 漬 , 相 信 司 機 無 受 傷 , 正 設 法 聯 絡 車 主 助 查 。"

發表文章時間2007/04/23 04:09am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 1385 位元組]  


等級: 大天使
資料: 此會員目前不在線上 美女
威望: +2 積分: 3147
現金: 121 緣幣
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註冊: 2004/10/01 09:25am
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  [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/04/30 03:51pm 第 1 次編輯]fN#=k
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 昨(28)日清晨,韓裔青年駕一輛1995年日產Maxima車在法拉盛布斯紀念大道撞上公車,造成19人受傷。(翻拍自電視畫面)   ip(*9
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 交通燈座被連根拔起,現場一片狼藉。(翻拍自電視畫面) GaA
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 轎車與大巴猛烈撞擊,駕駛員副座位置的華裔青年受傷最嚴重。(翻拍自電視畫面)    =
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韓青醉駕衝燈撞大巴 19傷",k9X
副座29歲華男生命垂危 2007年4月29日F--b
廣 告©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   HL
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   8M]YSr
【明報記者廖錦清報道】25歲的韓裔趙大衛(David Cho)昨(28)日清晨近6時,疑酒醉駕車在皇后區法拉盛的布斯紀念大道(Booth Memorial )闖紅燈左轉164街,被正在下坡行駛的65號公車攔腰撞上,造成19人受傷﹐其中坐在趙大衛車內駕駛員副座的29歲華裔男子傷勢嚴重﹐生命垂危。警方已依酒醉駕車及違反交通號誌等罪名,將趙大衛逮捕。j
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昨日清晨5點45分,凱辛娜公園旁的布斯紀念大道與164街交叉口處車輛稀少,25歲的韓裔青年趙大衛駕著他新買的二手日產轎車(Nissan Maxima﹐1995年產),從布斯紀念大道左轉164街時,正好被在164街下坡行駛的65路巴士攔腰撞上。當時巴士上有15名乘客﹐連同司機在內﹐巴士上共16人受傷﹐其中二人就地治療後無礙﹐其餘14人和私家車內的3名傷者被被送往紐約醫院皇后醫療中心救治。
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眾人受驚 現場陣陣哀嚎,aN v
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車禍發生後,轄區市警109分局立即封鎖現場,同時開始拖吊嚴重損毀的公車與轎車。據一名朱姓民眾表示,車禍造成一向空曠的布斯紀念大道及164街交通頓時「大打結」,路口無法行走外,兩條道路一直封鎖到上午10點才重開。前來凱辛娜公園高爾夫球區打球的道格拉斯(Doulous B Porter)也說,費了很大的勁才輾轉走到車禍現場旁的高爾夫球區,據觀察,車禍現場直到上午11時才清理完畢。cD,\U
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 公車為閃躲轎車雙雙衝向一旁的凱辛納公園高爾夫球場的柵欄。(翻攝自1010WINS新聞網站)  mPc`l
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   p\EWW
轎車撞公車 法拉盛18傷A
小車司機酒駕 公車連續撞三次 轎車乘客重傷 「每人都在流血」Uj\p~
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   a'9
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警方表示,25歲報住在法拉盛羅斯福大道和149街交口附近的周大衛(David Cho,音譯)被測出車禍發生時,體內酒精含量遠超過正常標準。t=
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   9+TO0
根據警方記錄,這起車禍發生在28日清晨5時45分,周大衛當時駕駛一輛1995年日產Maxima轎車,沿著布許紀念大道(Booth Memorial Ave)向東行駛,與當時正沿著164街向北行駛的Q65公車在十字路口相撞。!
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發表文章時間2007/04/30 02:49am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 4708 位元組]  


等級: 大天使
資料: 此會員目前不在線上 美女
威望: +2 積分: 3147
現金: 121 緣幣
存款: 68288 緣幣
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發文: 2901
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在線: 685 時 29 分 29 秒
註冊: 2004/10/01 09:25am
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  這嚴重交通意外在加拿大發生 .
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 爆炸後的黑色私家車車殘骸。  D
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   4nG)
 白色私家車也幾乎全毀。(電視畫面) Um
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   24
【明報專訊】阿博斯福一段11號公路(Hwy. 11)前晚發生嚴重交通意外,2部私家車懷疑因為超速,失控打轉並對撼。其中一車當場爆炸成火球,幸目擊者及時奮勇相援,在車內救出一對男女。事件中共造成3人受傷,當局正準備對超速司機提出檢控。v
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   _
據目擊者表示,前晚10時30分左右,2部汽車一前一後在11號公路行駛,途經Old Yale Rd.繞道時,後方黑色私家車在斜坡彎位處欲超越前方車輛,不料卻失控衝入對面行車線。當時對面行車線有一部貨車迎面而來,雙方緊急閃避,結果造成黑色私家車在路中間打轉。這時另一輛白色私家車駛至,剛好直插打轉的黑車,結果2車對撼之下黑車發生爆炸,當場成為一團火球。yAS
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   0@m
現場目擊者見狀,立即打破黑車窗戶,將乘客位的女傷者拖出車外。一名警員也剛好在附近巡邏,立即趕來救人。黑車上2人及白車司機皆受重傷,當局分別以直升機及救護車將3人送院。AvZ d[

發表文章時間2007/04/30 02:54am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 1063 位元組]  

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