Uncle Bus 熱潮席捲全球,歐亞、美州及中東均有報導•西方媒體指:「別提達文西密碼了,香港最紅的電影是6分鐘的手機短片。」HT ©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究 zcW6m 美聯社:「Grumpy Hong Kong Becomes Internet Hit」V~ht "This is not resolved! This is not resolved"= "I face pressure. You face pressure. Why did you provoke me?"PP' "I don't know you. You don't know me! Why did you do this!"s07 ©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究 bxKe
全球有報導之媒體包括:` ©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究 =%g Thailand: The NationP The United Arab Emirates: Khaleej TimeshR% South Africa: Independence*XZ,]K Canada: The GazetteVbh]Ds United Kingdom: Guardian1een USA: Mercury Daily, Forbes`D# Singapore: Mr. Miyagi~N%,d ©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究 aqydm
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