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  長島性罪犯進住移動屋 既省錢又受監控9
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  瓦隆提案 露體狂應定為性罪犯:1
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【美聯社紐約二十三日電】皇后區一名男子最近向三名兒童露體,其後侵犯第四名兒童。該區市議員瓦隆(Peter F. Vallone Jr.) 現正推行一項議案,把露體狂定為性罪犯。~|Jk
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瓦隆還向市議會提出法案,將在公共場所露械行為,從B類輕罪改為A類,以便將最高刑罰相應地從90天改為一年。 t

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  [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/03/10 10:25pm 第 1 次編輯]U
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 9歲女童 Jessica Lunsford 被綁架, 性侵和謀殺. ?o^_)
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   }wAh
 48歲的 John Couley 罪名成立, 陪審團將決定是否向法庭建議判 John Couley 終生監禁抑或死刑. c]+R;t
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姦殺9歲女童 兇徒臨終生監禁或死刑v,<<
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Sex Offender Guilty In Fla. Girl's Deathh-
Death Penalty Possible For Jessica Lunsford's Kidnapping, Rape And Murder; Girl Buried Alive-X/}
MIAMI, Mar. 8, 2007UfLYib
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(AP) The sex offender convicted of kidnapping, raping and then killing 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford by burying her alive behind his trailer could now face the death penalty.jR<
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   ^6F
Jurors deliberated for about four hours Wednesday before finding John Evander Couey guilty. They'll return Tuesday to consider whether he should face life in prison or death.sU
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   "L#
"With capital cases, I'm all for the death penalty. It's an eye for an eye," the girl's father, Mark Lunsford, said Thursday on CBS' "The Early Show."f97
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   <G[F
Jessica was snatched from her central Florida bedroom in February 2005 about 150 yards from the trailer where Couey, 48, had been living. Her body was found in his yard a month later encased in two black plastic trash bags and buried in a shallow hole.!F
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The little girl had been clutching a purple stuffed dolphin when she suffocated but had managed to poke two fingers through the bag.yK2
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Her disappearance led to a crackdown around the country on people convicted of sex crimes. Couey, a convicted sex offender, hadn't told authorities he was living near the Lunsford home even though he was required to do so.!qH5%
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In court Wednesday, Couey stared straight ahead and swayed slightly as the verdicts were read on charges of first-degree murder, sexual battery on a child, kidnapping and burglary. Lunsford, who has helped push efforts for tougher monitoring of sex offenders, showed no emotion.aa< y`
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Zo3
Outside the courtroom, Lunsford said that he knew "justice would prevail" but that the case wouldn't be complete until the sentence was imposed.55|
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Rx
Circuit Judge Richard Howard will ultimately decide Couey's sentence. He is not required to follow the jury's recommendation, but judges typically give the recommendation great legal weight. /
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   4Ae#A
A psychologist testified for the defense that Couey, who spent much of the trial drawing with colored pencils, has signs of mental illness and mental retardation _ mitigating circumstances that could help spare him the death penalty.O
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   IR|,Y"
He admitted to investigators shortly after his arrest that he committed the crime, but the confession was thrown out because he did not have a lawyer present as he had requested.]mbjo
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"I felt confident that we had an overwhelming amount of facts we could present to the jury," said Brad King, chief prosecutor in the case, outside the courthouse after the verdict.y06
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   8dEc
The evidence at trial included DNA from Jessica's blood and Couey's semen on a mattress in his bedroom, as well as Jessica's fingerprints in a closet in the trailer.h}
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Jail guards and investigators testified that Couey repeatedly admitted details of the slaying after his arrest and that he insisted he had not meant to kill the third-grader but panicked as police searched for her.9K.os
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   $|
Couey had previously been arrested in 1991 on a charge of fondling a child. In 1978, he was accused of grabbing a girl in her bedroom, placing his hand over her mouth and kissing her. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison in the case but paroled in 1980. ?
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   -Q8
Jessica's killing prompted Florida and a number of other states to pass new laws cracking down on sex offenders and improve tracking of them through databases and satellite positioning devices. s
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Mark Lunsford, Jessica's father, is now working with the group "Stop Child Predators," which advocates for stricter penalties and an integrated nationwide sex offender registry.|V2
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   5
"I can't get my hands on the guy that murdered my daughter so I've made it my job to make the rest of these sexual offenders and predators' lives miserable, as miserable as I can," he said.E
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發表文章時間2007/03/10 09:23am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 5618 位元組]  


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 康州新迦南市(New Canaan)知名的避險基金經理徐亞伯(譯音,Al-bert Hsu),因涉嫌在電腦網路上刊登廣告,找人劫持和強暴他以前的情婦,在2日被捕,而且法官5日把他的保釋金從75萬元提高到一百萬元。翻攝自網站  
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( 美聯社康州諾沃克5日電 )L'.
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   6&1
據檢方透露,43歲的許艾拔(Alber Hsu)於上周五被捕。他涉嫌在一個網上廣告中冒充其舊情人,聲稱願意參與一項性幻想游戲。檢方進一步表示有關廣告刊登了上述女子的照片,家居及工作地址,車牌號碼,上班搭乘的火車班次以及通常乘坐的車卡等資料。主控官莉琪高斯登周一在諾沃克高等法庭上指出,被告顯然是要挖下陷阱,令女受害人被陌生人綁架及強暴。高斯登進一步指出,許氏被告在廣告內還注明有意應徵廣告者不要聯絡或事先通知女當事人,以免「破壞了幻想效果」。此外被告與一名潛在攻擊者來往的一封電子郵件則顯示被告的動機是出於對受害人的憎恨。>kXj"
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發表文章時間2007/03/10 09:26am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 1560 位元組]  


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資料: 此會員目前不在線上 美女
威望: +2 積分: 3147
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  [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/03/10 10:30pm 第 1 次編輯]P^

下面引用由rainbow2006/11/14 02:58pm 發表的內容:dm((<
當然是 章子怡 啦!!!     性騷擾 成龍,  霍 X 山, 和無數導演.

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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   aElgo
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   ?N[u
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   P
 女老師 Allenna Williams Ward 染指至少五男生 hPD^SC
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   L5ICp
After 章子怡, here is an example of a female sex offender.U1!8\
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   Xf
美杏壇女狼 染指至少五男生G:kuB
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   =D7{7
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   4
警方表示,他們是在校方取得一張於沃德老師與學生之間傳遞,含有「不妥訊息」的紙條之後,對沃德展開調查。逮捕狀指出,已婚的沃德是在去年十二月至今年二月間與這些男童發生性行為,地點則包括貝爾街中學校園、汽車旅館、公園、停泊的車輛內、甚至一家餐廳的後方。>G s=^
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©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   3-yh.O
COLUMBIA, S.C. Mar 1, 2007 (AP)— A middle-school teacher accused of having sex with at least five boys was fired and remained in jail Thursday after she refused to speak with police about the charges, authorities said.S'Yz
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   X"H_(
Police began investigating Allenna Williams Ward, 23, after school officials in Clinton recovered a note containing inappropriate messages, police said.Q
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   (JVc
Ward, who is married, had sexual encounters in the past three months with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at the school, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant, according to arrest warrants.Y= :M
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Some of the victims were students at Bell Street Middle School, where Ward taught, authorities said.go
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Defense attorney Donald Hocker declined to talk about the case Thursday, according to a woman who answered the phone at his office.x;(
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School officials were meeting with parents Thursday evening.C4
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Clinton Public Safety Director John Thomas said it was a difficult time for the district. "Teachers are supposed to be role models as well as being those people who take care of and protect our children," Thomas said.&x:jo
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   bB
Ward, who was fired Wednesday, is charged with criminal sexual conduct with a minor and lewd acts on a minor, according to arrest warrants.fTkf%M
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Clinton, a town of about 10,000 people, is about 60 miles northwest of Columbia..o+q
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Last year, an elementary school teacher in school district neighboring Clinton was charged with having sex with an 11-year-old male student.w(*h`
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A trial date for Wendie A. Schweikert has not yet been scheduled.`QbH

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NYC Teacher Charged With Raping 13-Year-Old($U
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(CBS/AP) NEW YORK A 30-year-old public school teacher was arrested Wednesday on charges she raped a 13-year-old boy who may have been one of her students, authorities said.#
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Marcia Amsterdam, a speech instructor, was arrested on charges of second-degree rape, second-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, according to the office of the special commissioner of investigation for the New York City School District, which executed the arrest.<5
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The boy attended Junior High School 166 George Gershwin in Brooklyn, but it was unclear whether Amsterdam was among his teachers, said Department of Education spokeswoman Dina Paul Parks.EN)=J
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Amsterdam worked with students on their speech skills both in their classrooms and one-on-one, Paul Parks said. On Monday, she was reassigned to administrative duties with no contact with children.8uIt"d
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The investigation began Feb. 16, said Paul Parks, who declined to comment on who made the allegations.F
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The arrest follows a day after music teacher Emily Streb, 23, was arraigned on rape charges, accused of having sex with a 16-year-old male student who she taught at Public School 12 in the Bronx.@1
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Amsterdam began working for the Department of Education in 1999 as a substitute speech teacher, Paul Parks said. She became a full-time employee in 2000 and worked for two other Brooklyn schools before Junior High School 166 in East New York.+
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Messages left at numbers listed under Amsterdam's name weren't immediately returned Wednesday. Streb's attorney did not immediately return a call to her office.)deW

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  News update.\lk
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綁姦活埋九歲女童 邁阿密漢被判死刑1z
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Hamptons cop accused of using badge for sexe'@{n
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March 14, 2007, 9:10 PM EDTpT}
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Almost as soon as Guy Giammatteo became a Southampton town police officer five years ago he began using his badge to tip off suspects about criminal investigations and solicit sexual favors from various women, Suffolk prosecutors said Wednesday.s{#
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Town officials said they will review every case Giammatteo touched and every ticket he wrote as a "prudent" precaution against possible future lawsuits.zu
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However, Suffolk prosecutors said they were not worried that Giammatteo's crimes would jeopardize any pending criminal cases from Southampton, where he was a uniformed officer dealing mostly with minor crimes.E@
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Meanwhile, Giammatteo's lawyer said his client is innocent and is being set up by his vindictive brother-in-law -- convicted murderer Daniel Pelosi. It's a defense that District Attorney Thomas Spota called "asburd" and "a fantasy."+6^fs
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Authorities said they investigated after one of the women he solicited filed a complaint last year.K?
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The one-two punch of scandalous allegations from prosecutors and defense attorney William Keahon of Islandia came as Giammatteo, 32, of Center Moriches, appeared in a Riverhead courtroom Wednesday to answer a 14-count indictment that includes charges of bribe receiving, coercion and official misconduct. He pleaded not guilty and was released after posting $10,000 cash bail. He faces a maximum of 21/3 to 7 years in prison if convicted.B
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"He is a sexual predator in a police uniform," Spota said later during a news conference.Voj9E}
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Giammatteo was suspended with pay from the Southampton town police in January, when the investigation into the charges began, Lt. John James said. Giammatteo has been on disability leave since slipping and injuring his wrist shortly before he was suspended, James said.v]:*h
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"It's very disturbing," James said of the charges. "It impacts on him and on the other officers doing their job."&]Q
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"He placed his own fellow police officers -- the people he knows -- in danger," Spota said.3u)
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Spota said Giammatteo's abuses of his authority spanned from May 2002 and until August 2006.@\&su
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They began when Giammatteo three times failed to execute an arrest warrant for one woman -- letting her off the hook each time in exchange for sex, prosecutors said.8HRV&g
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"He sought sexual favors while on duty and in his police vehicle," Spota said.%L
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In March 2003, Giammatteo again received sexual favors from another woman in return for giving her information on the place and time of a planned police drug raid. Both of these women had prior arrests for prostitution.keV
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   G:^C{
And in July and August of 2006, Giammatteo twice tipped off the female owner of the Foggy Goggle, a Hampton Bays nightclub, about an upcoming State Liquor Authority age check of patrons and a town police drug raid.E(
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An ad for the club in a local newspaper promoted "beer pong," "foam parties" and free admissions for women in bikinis. Club owner Fran Reddington could not be reached for comment Wednesday.QDxT
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   xy<K
But Spota said Giammatteo's most "brazen" and "appalling" abuse of power was during his August 2004 visit to one woman who had been involved in a domestic disturbance.aF='3
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"Under the pretext of checking on her welfare," Spota said Giammatteo "exposed himself and said he wanted her to perform oral sodomy on him." She and the club owner refused sex with him, officials said.0Lt
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Keahon said the allegations are baseless and can all be traced back to the prison cell of Pelosi, the brother of the defendant's wife, Joan.Ji
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Pelosi was convicted in 2004 in the murder of East Hampton millionaire Theodore Ammon.XY.2E:
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Feeling betrayed that members of his family -- inlcuding his sister -- cooperated with authorities, Pelosi made statements that "he will destroy those that his sister and father love," Keahon said.{uiz
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   F
Pelosi reached out to past acquaintances, hired them to set up Giammatteo and paid them with "money he has hidden on the outside," Keahon said.?/
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Joan Giammatteo, who did not accompany her husband in court, could not be reached for comment. Pelosi's attorney, Gerald Shargel of Manhattan, declined to comment.C=

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  剛於去年獲評為猶他州最佳教師之一的一年級教師、36歲的霍爾如今因涉嫌在他位於郊區的教室性侵犯3名學生而被控.  m
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Utah Teacher Accused of Abuse in ClassfB
Award-Winning Utah Teacher Accused of Sexually Abusing Students in Classroom:<9!f2
The Associated PressbvX)et
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SALT LAKE CITY - A first-grade teacher honored last year as among the best in Utah was charged with sexually abusing three students in his suburban classroom, authorities said Friday.*z
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Frank L. Hall, 36, is accused of putting his hand inside the pants of three girls between June and this month at Rosamond Elementary School in Riverton, according to court documents.!wpPp
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Sheriff's Chief Deputy Shane Hudson said authorities were notified after a student who witnessed the touching told his parents.@0
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Hall was arrested Thursday on three counts of aggravated sexual abuse and was being held on $500,000 bail, Hudson said. It was not known when he would appear in court, and authorities didn't know Friday whether he had a lawyer.:[
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Hall was one of 10 Utah teachers who received a Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education last year. The privately bestowed honor comes with a $10,000 grant.=c/`
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A Web site that describes the winners says Hall helped first-graders reach a sixth-grade reading level.|OFGT
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Jordan School District barred Hall from the classroom before the week began, spokesman Michael Kelley said.h'CRW
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The Utah Division of Child and Family Services will be interviewing families and other children, spokeswoman Carol Sisco said.TE 0
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Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.W`-
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  田州師生戀 鬧出人命#b
30歲女老師婚外情 丈夫擊斃18歲男生
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男生私通女教師戀情招來殺身之禍 2007年3月17日R;L(4
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Married teacher-student affair leads to fatal shooting<z
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Story Published: Mar 16, 2007 at 8:31 PM PST@h9k
Story Updated: Mar 16, 2007 at 8:31 PM PSTF<`7s
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By Associated PressKNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - In a tragic twist to a familiar story, a teenager who had sex with his married 30-year-old teacher was fatally shot outside the woman's home, and authorities have charged the woman's husband.j.t!3/
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"You see all this stuff with teachers involved with their students. It just comes up time after time on the national news," said Norman McLean, father of suspect Eric McLean. But this time, he said, someone "actually died over it."4w
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McLean's wife, Erin, had completed half of a one-year teaching internship at West High School, where she met the 18-year-old Sean Powell last fall.xDQqst
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Powell's mother, who gave him up for adoption a dozen years ago but re-established contact in 2005, said her son acknowledged having an affair with a teacher.5
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"He wouldn't let me answer my cell phone," Debra Flynn recalled. "I said, 'Why?' He said, 'Well, Mom, I'm going out with this girl.' I said, 'So what?' He said, 'She is a counselor at school.' I said, 'Oh, my God, Sean."'v-
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Flynn, whose son sometimes stayed at her home in Nashville, said she later found text messages on her phone. "Come home. Baby, I love you. You are beautiful," they said. She believes Erin McLean preyed on her son.c2<4Ko
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"These teachers are feasting on our children in school and something has to be done," Flynn said.
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Powell "was a great kid, full of life," Flynn said. He had taught himself to play guitar and just received his driver's license. His adoptive parents, Scarlett and Jack Powell, had just bought him a car.iW7:I
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   S=*|c
But he left school on Nov. 20 and did not return. School officials refuse to explain, citing privacy laws. Flynn said her son had a substance-abuse problem and went to rehab for less than a month.4%I:
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   fBW
Norman McLean described his son, one of his eight children, as "an excellent person," who was not violent, but he acknowledged that his son "had a lot of burden on him for months now," referring to his wife's affair. $8B
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"Now, I am only talking about myself. But I can personally only take so much," Norman McLean said. "Everybody has a breaking point and there is only so much you can endure before you get to that place ... where you lose control."<|S
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Norman McLean said his son, once a percussionist in the University of Tennessee marching band, put his own academic career on hold to support his family while his wife of 11 years pursued a graduate teaching degree from the University of Tennessee. He has worked as a pizza deliveryman while taking classes at the university.
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Eric McLean is one semester short of completing a bachelor's degree in music education. A popular performer in local rock 'n' roll bands, he hoped to become a school band director.1tk
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On the evening of March 10, McLean called police to say an intruder was at the couple's home. About 7 minutes later, Erin McLean called back to say her husband had just shot Powell outside in the boy's car.lQ\Y
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Eric McLean fled in his car, which was later found at the high school. McLean was arrested Sunday, walking along railroad tracks about 6 miles away, still carrying the suspected murder weapon, a shotgun.-w@\
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Sean Powell was buried Thursday after a funeral attended by more than 150 friends and former classmates.c
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"I didn't color any rosy pictures," said the Rev. Lee Wallace, who officiated. "I said, Sean, like myself, is not perfect. He was a boy who had hopes and dreams and goals in life, like everybody else, and those were cut short.";&
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Erin McLean has moved in with relatives in Nashville with the couple's two young sons, ages 11 and 7. She has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Police say she has hired a lawyer but could not provide a name.H
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The attorney for Eric McLean, 31, acknowledges that McLean killed Powell. "So this trial is going to be about what really did happen and why - not who," attorney Bruce Poston said.Y
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Poston said McLean is in a "state of shock. Like watching a deer caught in the headlights. Literally wondering, 'Have I made a decision that will ruin the rest of my life as well as others?"'YZ%zmX
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  31歲的丈夫 Jason Eric McLean 開槍打死與自己30歲的妻子 Erin McLean 通姦的18歲男學生 Sean Powell.  妻子 Erin McLean 是女教師與18歲男學生發生畸戀.<z 8
©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   BYi%(J
 Jason Eric McLean, 31, attends an initial court appearance Tuesday, March 13, 2007, in Knox County Criminal Court in Knoxville, Tenn.    

發表文章時間2007/03/19 01:21am IP: 已設定保密[本文共 7543 位元組]  

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