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http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/news/local/communities/rsm/article_1309687.php Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Rancho Santa Margarita man pleads guilty to child sexual assault David Shoutyh Hwang is sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for 60 various sex crime charges. His wife faces identical charges next month. By ALEJANDRA MOLINA The Orange County Register SANTA ANA ¡X David Shoutyh Hwang, 35, was sentenced today to 50 years to life in prison for repeatedly molesting a 4-year-old girl in his Rancho Santa Margarita home. Hwang pled guilty to 60 charges, including 26 counts of anal or genital penetration by a foreign object of a minor under 14 years of age, 13 counts of lewd acts upon a child, 10 counts of oral copulation on a person under 14 years of age, five counts of kidnapping for child molest, five counts of using a minor for sex acts, and one count of sodomy on a person under the age of 14 with 10 years difference in age. There was also an allegation for substantial sexual conduct and enhancements for kidnapping. Hwang's wife, Sheila Marie Sikat, 26, is charged with the same 60 counts and faces multiple life terms if convicted. Between January 1, 2001 and February 1, 2003, Hwang kidnapped Jane Doe on five separate occasions in order to molest her. He sexually assaulted her, both committing the acts and also producing four video tapes totaling almost four hours of explicit pornographic content featuring Jane Doe. Sikat is accused of participating in the same acts. Sikat is scheduled to begin trial on Nov.17 at 9 a.m. at Central Justice Center in Santa Ana. Senior Deputy District Attorney Beth Carmichael of the Sexual Assault Unit prosecuted this case. 2jI!nI

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Online dater faces 9 rape counts*=cDg
Women share similar stories of having groggy sexual encounters5t
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PHILADELPHIA ¡X He was an online dater's dream: Tall, clean-cut, with a fashionable address and a taste for upscale bars and restaurants.tj\(@,
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He said he was a doctor, an astronaut, a spy ¡X though he was really an on-and-off nursing student. With woman after woman, he would slip something in their drinks and then rape them, police say.3U}aO
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Jeffrey J. Marsalis, 33, of Philadelphia, is facing trial on nine rape counts involving eight women, while a 10th charge is pending in Sun Valley, Idaho. He met most of the victims here through Match.com, a popular online dating site, authorities said.M
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In court this week during Marsalis' preliminary hearing, the women told similar stories of meeting Marsalis between 2003 and 2005, then feeling unusually intoxicated after returning from the bathroom or letting him buy a round from the bar.Mi$6
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They said they woke up hours later, back at his apartment ¡X groggy, sometimes undressed ¡X after an apparent sexual encounter or even in the middle of intercourse.'5&Pz-
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"It was like waking up from surgery," one woman said. "My body was there, and I could see what was going on around me, but I couldn't move."#&
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Marsalis' lawyer says the women simply regret being duped about his accomplishments and dumped after consensual sex.7[7X5
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"Some of this may be buyer's remorse," defense lawyer Kathleen Martin said Thursday.nuN&
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None of the Philadelphia victims ¡X most of them well-educated professionals ¡X went to police or a hospital afterward, Martin pointed out. Instead, police sought the women out after they seized Marsalis' computer as part of an earlier case.sR
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Marsalis was acquitted of three similar assaults in Philadelphia in January. Before he could leave the courtroom, however, he was handcuffed and accused of the new charges.nC
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"He showed IDs to a lot of these women supporting the various roles, positions that he seemingly held," said Capt. John Darby, head of the city's sex crimes unit.< wwc

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µØ¸ÇÂå¥Í (±M·~¤H¤h) ¤]¦³¯f / ÅܺA, ¬ü°ê¥[¦{³£¬fªL Dublin, California Âå¥ÍTony Shiu ¯A¶ûÂû«Á¨k©Ê¯f¤H¤Î¤j¶q°½©ç¥¢¥hª¾Ä±ªº¦¨¦~¨k¯f¤Hªº»r·Ó, ĵ¤è¥¿³q½r¥L ¬IÃıaªð®a ¨Æ«á©ç»r·Ó µØ¸ÇÂå¥Í¯A°g«Á¨k¯f¤H ¬P®q¤é³ø¡M ( ¥»³ø°OªÌ¿½¼z³£¬fªL³ø¹D) ¤@¦W¦b³£¬fªL¥«¶}¶EªºµØ¸ÇÂå¥ÍªòªF¥§¡]­µÄ¶¡RTony Shiu¡^¡A¦]¯A¶ûÂû«Á¨k©Ê¯f¤H¤Î¤j¶q°½©ç¥¢¥hª¾Ä±ªº¦¨¦~¨k¯f¤Hªº»r·Ó¡A¾D³£¬fªL¥«Äµ¤èµo¥Í100¸U¤¸½r®·¥O¡C¦ýĵ¤è«üªòªF¥§¦Û±qª¾¹D¦Û¤v³Q°l½r«á¡A±q¤W­Ó¤ë¶}©l¬ðµM¥¢ÂÜ¡A¤£ª¾¥h¦V¡Cĵ¤è¥¿´M¨D¤½²³À°§U°l®·ªòªF¥§¡A¦³¥ô¦ó«H®§©ÎÃhºÃ¦Û¤v¬O¨ü®`ªÌªº¥«¥Á¡A½Ð­P¹q925-833-6682»Pĵ¤èÁpô¡C ¾Ú³£¬fªLĵ¤è±´­ûµØ¯S¯÷¡]Herb Walters¡^«ü¥X¡A¤µ¦~8¤ë19¤é¡A¨â¦W¨k©Ê³ø§i«ü¥L­Ì¤£ª¾¬°¦ó¦bªòªF¥§¦ì©ó³£¬fªLªº®a¸Ì¹L¤F¤@©]¡C¤@ı¿ô¨Ó«á¡A¨â¤H¹ï«e¤@¤Ñ±ß¤Wµo¥Í¤F¤°»ò²@µL°O¾Ð¡C¨ä¤¤¤@¦W¨k©ÊÁÙ«ü¥X¡A·í¦Û¤v¿ô¨Óªº®É­Ô¡Aµo²{ªòªF¥§¥¿¼¾ºNµÛ¦Û¤v¡C Âå°È¤H­û¬°¨â¦W³ø®×ªÌ§@Àˬd«á¡Aµo²{¨â¤H¦å²G¤¤³£§t¦³Âí©w¾¯¦¨¥÷¡A¦Ó¥B¨ä¤¤¤@¤H´¿³QÂû«Á¡Cĵ¤è®Ú¾Ú¦¹¤G¤H³ø§i¡A¹ïªòªF¥§®i¶}½Õ¬d¡C¹L«á¤£¤[¡Aĵ¤è¦Vªk°|¥Ó½Ð¨ì·j¬d¥O¡A±o¥H¶i¤JªòªF¥§©~©Ò·j¯Á¡Aµ²ªGµo²{¦h¹F450±i¼Æ½X¬Û¤ù¡A¥þ³¡³£¬O¨k©Ê¥þ»r¸m¨­©óÂå°È³]³Æ¤¤ªº·Ó¤ù¡C³o¨Ç¨k©Ê¨ü®`ªÌÅãµM²@µLª¾Ä±¡A¤£ª¾¹D¦Û¤v¥¿³Q°½©ç¡C ®Ú¾Ú³QÂû«Á¤Î¤UÃĨü®`ªÌªº³ø§i¡A¥H¤Îĵ¤è¦bªòªF¥§®a¤¤§ä¨ìªº¬Û¤ù¡Aĵ¤è¦b¤µ¦~10¤ë5¤éÀòªk°|§å¤U¤@±i«Oª÷­q¬°100¸U¤¸ªº½r®·¥O¡A·N«ü­YªòªF¥§³Q¶e®·¡A¦Ü¤Ö»Ý­n100¸U¤¸«OÄÀª÷¡C¦ý¦Û±qªòªF¥§±oª¾¦Û¤v³Qĵ¤è½r®·«á¡A´N®ø¥¢µLÂÜ¡C µØ¯S¯÷«ü¡A¦Û¤v´¿¥´¹LªòªF¥§ªº¤â¾÷¡A¦ýª½±µÂà¨ì¯d¨¥«H½c¡C«Ü©úÅã¡AªòªF¥§°k¶]¨ÃÂäF°_¨Ó¡C¾¨ºÞĵ¤è¤]©MªòªF¥§ªº«ß®vÁpô¡A­n¨DªòªF¥§¦Vĵ¤è§ë®×¡A¦ý¤@­Ó¤ë¹L¥h¤F¡AªòªF¥§©Î¨ä«ß®v³£²@µL°ÊÀR¡Aĵ¤è¥uª¾¹D¨ä¤H¤£¦b³£¬fªL¡C¦]¦¹Äµ¤èÂà¦Ó¦V¤½²³¨D§U¡A§ó©IÆ~ª¾±¡ªÌ©ÎÃhºÃ¦³¦P¼Ë¾D¹Jªº¨ü®`ªÌ¡A«i´±»Pĵ¤èÁpô¡C ®Ú¾Ú¥[¦{ÂåÃÄ©e­û·|¸ê®Æ¡AªòªF¥§±qÀ¹ºû´µ¥[¤jÂå¾Ç°|²¦·~¡A¦b1995¦~11¤ëÀòµoÂå¥Í°õ·Ó¡A¨Æµo¤§«e¨S¦³¥ô¦óÂåÀø¨Æ¬G©Î³Q§ë¶Dªº¬ö¿ý¡C°k¶]«e¡AªòªF¥§¦b³£¬fªL¤@¶¡­Ó¤HÂå°È©Ò°µ¤º¬ìÂå¥Í¡C¥L¤]´¿¸g¦b§Qª«¼¯ValleyCare¶E©Ò¤u§@¡A¦ý¸Ó¶E©Ò¤µ¦~¨S¦³»PªòªF¥§Äò¬ù¡C ­è¦n»PªòªF¥§¦@¥Î¤@­Ó¦a§}°õ·~ªº¶V«n¸Ç¤kÂå¥Íªí¥Ü¡A¦o»PªòªF¥§¥u¬O­è¦n¦P¯²¤@­Ó¦a¤è¶}¶E¡A¦Û¤v»P¥L¤£¼ô¡A¤]®Ú¥»¤£ª¾¹D¥ô¦ó¦³Ãö¥Lªº¨Æ±¡¡Cĵ¤è´¿»P¦o½Í¸Ü¡A©ú¥Õ¦o²@¤£ª¾±¡¡A¦ý¥X¤F³oºØ¨Æ¡A¹ï¦o¶E©Òªº·~°È¤]¦³¼vÅT¡A¦¹®É¦o¥u·QºÉ¥þ¤O«O¯d¦Û¤vªº¯f¤H¡C ĵ¤è«ü¥X¡AªòªF¥§¯A¶û¤UÃÄ°g·w¨ü®`ªÌ¡A¨Ã¦b¨ü®`ªÌ¨S¦³ª¾Ä±©MµL¤O¤Ï§Üªº±¡ªp¤U¡AÂû«Á¨ü®`ªÌ¡AÁÙ¦³¥X©ó¦â±¡¥Øªº¦a§Q¥Î°½©ç¾¹§÷©ç¤U¥L¤H¼v¶Hµ¥¡CÁöµM¦³²³¦h±qªòªF¥§®a¤¤°_¥Xªº»r·Ó¡A¦ý¥u¦³¨ä¤¤¤@¤H³Q»{¥X¡Aĵ¤èÁÙ¤£ª¾¹D¨ä¥L¨ü®`ªÌªº¨­¤À¡Cĵ¤è¬Û«H¡A©Ò¦³¨ü®`ªÌ³£¬O¦¨¦~¨k©Ê¡C ,II>
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Cops: Doc Drugged, Filmed Nude PatientsI;X/
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DUBLIN, Calif., Nov. 7, 2006Aqx#X
(CBS/AP) Police are looking for a doctor accused of sexually battering two men at his home and taking hundreds of photographs of patients while they were unconscious and semi-nude at his medical clinic. A $1 million arrest warrant was issued last month for Dr. Tony G. Shiu, who ran a private practice in Dublin for the past three years. Authorities believe he has left the Bay Area. Police have been unable to contact Shiu through his cell phone, and family members have said they don't know his whereabouts, Sgt. Herb Walters told the San Francisco Chronicle. Two men reported Shiu to police after they allegedly woke up at his Dublin home Aug. 19 with no memory of the previous evening, after having two alcoholic drinks with him, said Walters. When they went to a local hospital for an examination, the men tested positive for benzodiazepine ¡X a drug commonly prescribed for anxiety that can cause memory impairment and confusion ¡X and one of the men was found to have been sodomized, Walters said. A subsequent search of Shiu's home turned up about 450 digital photographs of 19 male patients who were unconscious and undressed in medical examination rooms, Walters said. Two of the men were positively identified. "You can imagine how shocked they were when we showed them naked pictures of themselves," he said. Shiu graduated in 1994 from UC Davis School of Medicine and served his residency at Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, according to public records. He also worked at ValleyCare clinic in Livermore, Walters said. ;

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Tolland man accusing of preying on teens on Internet October 11, 2006 VERNON, Conn. --Police have charged a 31-year-old Tolland man with being an Internet sexual predator, accusing him of raping one girl and having sex with at least four others. Scott Shefelbine was charged Tuesday. Lt. John Collins said Shefelbine met the girls through Myspace.com, a popular online social network. Shefelbine was passing himself off as 17 or 19 years old, Collins said. The investigation began in August, after a Vernon police officer found Shefelbine and a 17-year-old girl at Henry Park. The officer started asking questions because there seemed to be a significant difference in age between the two, Collins said. The girl told the officer that Shefelbine was only 19. "She told us there had been some sexual activity between them before she turned 16 and the case started mushrooming," Collins said. "The investigation is not over. We believe there may be more victims out there and we're looking into it." Shefelbine has been charged with first-degree sexual assault, two counts of second-degree sexual assault, four counts of risk of injury to a minor and two counts of procuring alcohol for a minor. Shefelbine's bond was set at $305,000 and he was scheduled for a hearing Wednesday in Rockville Superior Court. -JM.

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