It seems that the old big 3 are gone...with GM and Ford are likely to file bankruptcy eventually for a drastic reform in the near future... the new big 3, Toyota, Honda and Nissan will replace the traditional big 3...* 6Z ©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ ; R
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¦ÓºÖ¯S¨T¨®ºX¤Uª÷¿Ä³¡ªù - Ford Motor Credit ªºµû¯Å, «h¥Ñ "Baa3" ¤U½Õ¨â¯Å¦Ü "Ba2", ¨âªÌªºµû¯Å®i±æ¦PÄÝt±.
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